Chapter 21: Rabbit and Steel

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Midnight looked at both fighters.

'Really Nezu? This fight is gonna destroy one of these kids. Both think they don't have flashy quirks, both feel insecure about themselves... and you're gonna do this?'

The hero cracked her whip.


Kirishima and Tetsutetsu both stood their ground. Neither of them wanted to make the first move. Tetsutetsu saw the sun shining down on them and activated his quirk, only in his right arm.

The sunlight reflected off of the steel boy, shining in Kirishima's face. The redhead threw his arms up, and Tetsutetsu rushed in.

The first strike bounced off of kirishima's skin.

"Damn. Another hardening user?" Tetsutetsu swore.

Kirishima swung around and punched outward, landing a blow to the side of Tetsutetsu's head.

"Huh... Guess this is gonna be a fight of endurance then." Kirishima grinned.

"Yeah well."

Tetsutetsu grabbed Kirishima's wrist and swung him around. The redhead landed and planted his feet, turning Tetsutetsu's attack against him.

"Come on. I know you can do better!" Kirishima smiled.

Tetsutetsu snarled. He launched a punch at Kirishima's stomach. Once again, it bounced off.

"Really? That's it?" Kirishima chuckled.

"SHUT UP!" Tetsutetsu punched Kirishima in the face, managing to push him back a few inches.

"Huh. I almost felt that."


Izuka watched the battle-if you could call it that.

"Eraser. Mind explaining their power differences?"

Aizawa grinned. "Of course. You see, after the USJ, Kirishima wanted to make sure he would never be hurt again. Not by anyone. Of course, I don't think he's at that level yet. But he's worked hard on his endurance."

Izuka nodded. "Hm. He's won this fight then."

"Are you sure?"

"Tetsutetsu's quirk works off of the iron in his blood. From what I've seen of Kirishima, he only has an endurance limit. Tetsutetsu doesn't stand a chance."

Aizawa turned his attention back to the fight. "Well then... Looks like Tetsutetsu might have the capacity for becoming a hero..."


'Man... That's harsh.'

Mirko grimaced at the one sided display of power.

'He lands every hit, yet they do nothing...'

Tetsutetsu landed another hit, before going wide eyed. In a flash, he was steel. He was also standing four feet away. There was a small dent in his left arm.


'A hit like that? A hardening boosted punch, one that could rival Death Arms!'

Tetsutetsu gave a groan of pain, but ran forward yet again. None of his hits even scratched Kirishima.

"This isn't right... Just call the match already..." Mirko whispered under her breath.


'Well. My arm's dented. Definitely gonna be a fracture...'

Tetsutetsu gritted his teeth and rushed in again. After three punches, he felt his hold slipping.

'No... It can't stop yet...'

The Ascension Saga Book 1: GhostTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang