Chapter 34: Havoc

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"So how does it feel?"

Izuka stood next to Oboro, who was staring at the blade in his hands. His eyes both turned yellow and Kurogiri spoke.

"I still feel that he wants to see Eraserhead and Present Mic again... This will take some getting used to."

The man blinked and his eyes became crystal blue. "Well, you will forgive me. I have been kept here as a slave for quite a long time. I won't exactly be super trusting of anybody who works for the league."

Izuka placed her hand on his shoulder. "Look... Oboro. You don't have to trust us. Aizawa and Mic will look for you after finding out that you're alive. But once they detain you, you will most likely be sent to Tartarus prison..."

Oboro bit his lip and nodded. "I understand. I should say that the only reason I decided to bond with Kurogiri was because I wanted to have some level of control again..."

Izuka nodded. "That's perfectly okay... If you turn against us, I will not hesitate to kill you."

Oboro gulped and nodded. "Noted."

Izuka and Kurogiri stepped back into the regular part of the bar. Shigaraki looked up and down at Kurogiri, then turned to Izuka.

"What the fuck did you do to him?"

"Gave him something that would help. Oboro and Kurogiri are now one and the same. You can take the neck brace off now by the way."

Kurogiri brought his hands to the back of his neck. He pressed a button, and his brace hissed, before unfolding and falling off. "That feels really good." The man smiled, cracking his neck. "Now, where were we... Ah yes. Tomura, this is Muscular. And this is Spinner. I think they'll be a good addition to the team."

Kurogiri turned around and whispered in Izuka's ear. "In all fairness, I think Muscular may be disposable. He likes to kill anybody, including children."

Izuka nodded. "Noted. Thank you Kurogiri."

The man bowed and walked behind the bar, before beginning to polish clean glasses.

' Huh... so he does that regardless... '

Izuka turned to the two potential recruits. "So. You two. Why do you want to join the league?"

Spinner smiled. "An organization with ties to Stain. One who has chosen to purge the world of fake heroes. How could I say no?"

Izuka nodded. "Okay then."

' Huh... he'll be happy when Stain joins us. '

"And you, Muscular."

The blonde smiled. "I always wanted a group of weaklings to boss around. I joined to have some fun and kill people, and to take over." Izuka chuckled. Muscular scowled. "What are you laughing at?"

Izuka's chuckle turned into a cackle. Tomura joined in, as did Oboro. Muscular was a bit frightened by this. "Weaklings? You want to take over? Don't make me laugh..."

Muscular gritted his teeth. "Oh yeah? You're a little girl, I could kill you without a second thought."

Izuka drew her sword and pointed it at Musculars face. "As we cannot fight in the bar, I'll have Kurogiri teleport us somewhere better. Muscular, I challenge you. A fight to the death."

The blonde grinned. "Oh hell yeah! This is what I'm talking about!"

Izuka nodded to Kurogiri. A warp gate spiraled open. Izuka and Muscular both stepped through. A screen in the bar popped on, showing both fighters in a large room. Spinner leaned in to watch. Shigaraki kicked back.

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