Chapter 53: Villain with a Heart Of Gold

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It was midnight at the UA dorms. It had been one month since Kamino. The students worked on Super moves for their classes. Now, everybody was in bed. Everybody except Nemuri Kayama.

Midnight sat in her housing unit and shook. She had had another nightmare. She had been knocked out during the battle, but there were still snippets where she woke up.

Pain... as those snippets of memory came back to her she only felt pain. And now, the faces of her fans haunted her in her dreams.

"Sh-she was right..."

Midnight tried to focus on something else. She attempted to make food, but burned it as she had a panic attack. She tried to exercise, but screamed and retreated to a corner as a vision of one of her fans taunted her.

The hero tried to do everything she could think of, but her visions prevented her from doing anything but hiding in different parts of her living space.

For several weeks, Midnight's door had remained locked, and she didn't interact with anybody. She stayed locked within her room.

Until now.

Kayama opened the door and proceeded to sneak down to the common room. From there, she walked to the main UA building, and went to her office.

The office that was now being used by Kamui Woods.

"Well... Nezu did get a good replacement for me..." Kayama muttered. She was dressed more modestly than ever in her entire life. Hidden in one of her drawers was a small notepad covered with phone numbers.

"I need to know... How does she know..."


Izuka froze as a ringtone came from her desk. It was her normal phone. The one she used for UA.

' What are they doing? Calling to rub it in my face? Who would call that phone? '

Izuka grabbed the phone and answered. "Who are you? What do you want? Are you heroes here to rub it in my face more? Huh?"

A soft voice whispered over the phone.

" Izuka... it's you right? "

Izuka recognized the voice. "Midnight..."

" Can we meet? I know a place... '

Izuka growled. "I don't want to see any heroes."

" This isn't meeting with a hero, it's a meeting with a woman who needs some guidance... "

Izuka was silent.

" Hello? Hello? "

"Takoba municipal beach park. One hour. If I see any heroes there other than you, you're dead."

Izuka hung up. She immediately walked to her closet and put her mothers nightgown away. She pulled on short jean shorts, a white shirt and a black hoodie. She peeked out of her room to see that everybody else was asleep.


Izuka snuck out of the building. The first thing she noticed was that this building was on a small island. She could see the coast of Japan not that far away.

"But how do I get there..."

Izuka looked down at her hands, which buzzed with energy.

"Alright then. Let's try this out..."

Izuka took on a running position. Her form flickered. Motes of black drifted away from her skin, and she took off.

Izuka had instantly reached the proper velocity to run on water. She could perceive everything around her easily as she sped towards the coast.

The Ascension Saga Book 1: GhostKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat