Chapter 54: Betrayal and a Meeting

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The busses pulled up to the location of the licensing exams. The students of class 1-A remained silent as other students got off of their respective busses. Shiketsu high, Ketsubutsu Academy, etc.

Aizawa went wide eyed and ducked as a cheerful woman with mint green hair walked by. The class stayed silent and got off of the bus with steeled faces.

Leading them was Bakugo, Kirishima, Ochaco, Todoroki, Mina, Jiro, and Kaminari. Tsuyu and Iida were behind them, followed by the rest of the class.

"Okay... I know that we've seen a lot, and that I'm kind of a downer, but seriously... you guys are making me worry with those faces." Aizawa scratched his head.

"Sorry, we were just getting mentally prepared." Ochaco said, before smiling. "There! All good!"

"Let's do this!" Kirishima grinned.

"Fired up and ready to go..." Shoto smirked.

"They won't know what hit 'em." Mina said.

"I'm charged up!" Kaminari said.

Every student gave some sort of witty comment, before walking into the test building. As they walked in, heads turned and regarded them cautiously.

"UA huh..."

"They look tough..."

"Don't let your guard down..."

Bakugo rolled his eyes and continued, the rest of the class followed. As they walked, nobody noticed that Mina herself was studying Bakugo.

' At the camp... Yumi was Izuka. I knew those scars looked familiar, it's because he gave them to her... no wonder she has it out for him. '


A few students in black uniforms walked up to the class. They were led by a very large student with a permanent grin.


Bakugo looked at them. "Shiketsu high right? We're doing fine. How about you?"


Kirishima chuckled at the over excited boy. "Hey man. What's your name?"

"I'M INASA YOARASHI!" The boy shouted.

"Come on everybody, they're about to start, you need to get changed." Aizawa grumbled.

"All right!" Ochaco smiled. "Inasa, we hope to have a good time with you out there!"

The boy was taken aback by the bubbly girl, he was even more taken aback when each of the students gave him a fist bump, including Shoto Todoroki.

"I... remember you from the recommendation exams... I'm sorry for being a jerk..."

Inasa held on to Todoroki's hand and studied his face carefully, before wrapping him in a hug.

"Shoto Todoroki... I was wrong about you... Apology accepted."

Shoto grinned. "Right. Now let's do our best!"

And so, class 1-A changed into their hero outfits, and went to the starting site. The overtired proctor explained the rules. All of class 1-A had the same thought.

' Is he related to Aizawa? '

"All right, if you have your targets placed, and you have your two capture devices, we'll begin in two minutes, you have that time to find a place to get situated."

The walls of the room the students were in fell away, revealing a massive area filled with mountains, abandoned buildings, any type of environment one could think of. It was like the USJ, only bigger.

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