🎮?you wont leave me🎤

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The plot and oc "alex" is from this beautiful person : M00nShxd0ws


Sapnap and Dream ran through the local park, giggling. Unfortunately, a perticually(tf) clumsy male just couldn't do one thing without bumping into something.

"Ah shit! Sorry.!" Sapnap hissed, looking up at the person he had knocked heads with. The person has raven hair, icy blue eyes and tan skin.

"No worries mate! You're pretty cute, what's your name.?" The mystery human smiled innocently, going to help Sapnap up. He was pulled up by Dream though, who was protectively checking his head and elbows to see if he was hurt.

"I am so sorry for him. Pandas are you okay? Anything hurt?" Dream flashed little concerned glances at the person.

"Again don't worry about it, Pandas huh? Adorable. I'm Alex by the way." Alex stuck their hands into their pockets.

"Thank you! Also why are you here alone?" Sapnap grinned widely, holding a singe finger of Dream's. The raven hair person laughed, shaking their head.

"I'm not alone, my sister is getting some ice cream." They explained, comfortably moving closer to the brunette.

"Ah I see! Well c'mon sit we can talk 'till she gets back." Sapnap sat next to Dream, leaning on him. The blonde placed soft kisses into his hair.

"Don't mean to be weird, but you're hot. I'd love to take you out somewhere to get to know you." Alex said in a relaxed voice. Sapnap giggled.

"You must be talking about Dream, he's the hot one here." He joked, trying to get out of the situation they were in. Dream was slowly breaking down, scared that Sapnap was going to eventually cave in and leave with Alex.

"No I was actually talking about you. I'd be so lucky to have someone who looks like a model. Bet your personality's even better." Alex continued to entertain the idea of a date. Dream huffed, grabbing Sapnap's wrist and standing up. The younger boy got the hint, saying his goodbyes.

"Hope to see you around again Pandas!" Dream was burning inside. He didn't know whether he wanted to be proud that people thought the same way he thought about Sapnap or cry.  They walked the short 2 minute walk back to their apartment in silence. Once they were there, Dream hid his face.

"Hun what's wrong, if it's about that person don't worry about them. I'll never see them ever again!" Sapnap soothed, rubbing soft circles into Dream's back. The blonde sniffled.

"I-I know. It's fi-ne." He pushed the younger boy away, stomping into his room without another word. Sapnap heard the soft click of the lock.

he should've manned up and just said he was taken

It's not that Sapnap didn't want to admit he was with Dream, he actually shows Dream off every chance he gets. He just has problems saying no to people, due to a past ex. The man always guilt tripped him into hating himself for having his own opinions, it got so bad to the point Dream had to manually hold him down from going to buy something illegal for someone. Now Dream doesn't actually know why he had tried to do it.

He should be over it. It was 2 years ago.

Sapnap brushed his own trauma away, instead focusing on making a cute little veggie tray for Dream. He usued carrots and grapes to make little stick men, and assorted various food around them to make it look like Dream and Sapnap.

"Perfect!" He cheered when he felt like he had done good enough. Sapnap picked up the plate, carrying it over to Dream's door.

"I've got some food for you. It's outside your door. I love you." No response. Usually when something like this happened he at least got a quiet "i-i love you too." Sapnap's heart ached as he walked away. Dream was probably asleep or something. Yeah.


Nope. In a matter of seconds the plate was gone and the door was locked again. That's fine, Sapnap was willing to wait an enternity for his boy to be ready to talk. It only took 5 minutes until the door opened again, meaning that Dream was well enough to talk. Sapnap smiled, bouncing his way into the room.

"Hey hot stuff. Ima give you so many kisses! And you'll never b-" tan arms had lifted the brunette into a desperate hug. That's when Sapnap realized this was a lot more serious then he thot.

"Please don't leave me, I'll be better for you I promise." Dream begged, sobbing his heart out.

"Shh.. I haven't even had a single thought of leaving you. I love Dream. And you're Dream." Sapnap sighed, pushing the blonde to sit on the bed. He situated hunting his lap, head resting on his chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't make it clear I was taken. I don't have an excuse. Well not a good one at least." Sapnap murmured, pushing himself closer to Dream, who only perked up in interest. He really wanted to know his stupid excuse huh?

"Well you see I had this boyfriend around 2 years back. His name was Dolan. Now this guy had a lot of mental health issues, keep in mind." Sapnap kissed Dream's chin.

"He usued to scream at me.. if I ever told him no. He would call me selfish and greedy. One of the worst things he said was no wonder I kept crawling back, because he was the only person who could ever love me." Dream tensed.

"One day though, a beautiful blonde boy managed to save me. He drew me further and further away from Dolan, until I had the courage to break up with him. Now it just gets really hard to say no, i always just have that fear in the back of my mind." Sapnap laughed to himself. He felt really bad about telling Dream that, in case he thought he was being selfish.

"You did do good telling me baby. It helps a lot knowing you weren't ashamed of being with me." The older boy praised, pulling Sapnap to lay down with him.

"See? Now everything is good. Communication is key my dude." The brunette went back to being his loud self, masking the relief.

"I'm so glad to know that my pandas loves me. He loves me so much. I should've known. I love my pandas more though."

"That's not true."

"I bet it is!!"

"You are such an idiot."

"I'm your idiot though. Oh and by the way.."

"I love you too"


That was more sad then it was supposed to be. Im so sorry it was cringey and bad. I've almost been awake for 24 hours and thing's are getting blurry. I've never been away for a day straight before.

I love you all, get some sleep and drink water.

Also did anyone see that really funny typo I left in there?

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