I wanted to tear her to pieces..my rage had boiled over, but oddly enough, for this one time......I'd allow her to comfort me. Even monsters need a little boost sometimes.

"As long as I'm here.. You won't be alone through this." She said.

I just nodded, not feeling the need to argue at this point.

I this point, I really thought that it couldn't get harder, but boy was I wrong.


"Midoriya, Izumi?" The detective called out to me.

I nodded.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but your mother was killed in the explosion that nearly took your life."

I felt my body pulse as it tensed up. I could feel as my heartbeat rapidly climbed. My breathing quickened.

Why was I reacting like this? Oh right...my mother was the only innocent being on this pathetic planet. And that planet made sure to snuff out what little light she shone upon it.

Fuck.....I can't...

I cried. Because even monsters...even monsters have people they love.

One for All reacted to my sorrow and rage, nearly setting off another little accident. But I can't afford to let that happen now. Not yet. Not until the people that did this payed. They had set me free, sure, but they took what little I held dear.

I couldn't care less for my Father. It isn't like he's been involved in raising me until now. Honestly, the old bastard really has some gall forcing his agenda on me like this. I'll make him pay too. Every.. single.. one of them. WILL PAY!!!!!


It was time to go back to school. Now why would I do that? Easy, it's easier to know what the heroes are up to when I'm there with them. Don't worry, it'll make sense later. And I know what you're probably thinking, why am I breaking the fourth wall by talking to you guys? That's another easy one. It's because I'm Pandora, and no one is safe from me..not even you.

Ochako helped me put on my uniform, since my hands hadn't regained their feeling entirely at this point.

As I finished putting everything on, I stared emptily at the mirror. That ugly burn staring right back at me..

I frowned and nearly let another tear escape. But not this time. I'm stronger now.

"Hey Izumi.. I know this isn't m-much, but I got you something. It's just until you're comfortable showing people." She said while handing me a box.

I took it and opened it. Inside was a small white mask. It wasn't all that bad..it was actually quite nice.

It only covered the right side of my face, but not entirely. I took it in my hands carefully, before putting it on.

 I took it in my hands carefully, before putting it on

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**Drawing of Pandora/Izumi preview. It's still not finished, so I'll post the finished one later. This is just to give you guys an idea of how she looks now.**

"Thank you, Uraraka. This helps."

"Don't mention it!" She smiled at me.

"Let's go.." I said before stepping out of our room and heading towards our classroom.

Things were about to get interesting.


Sorry for the short chapter! I just wanted to get something out to you guys so you could see the drawing I have of our little villain/hero, Pandora/Izumi.

Let me know what you guys think of it in a comment!

Much love! See y'all next chapter!!

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