I laid my head down and cried. Cried for what felt like an eternity. Nothing, except her safe return, would make this pain go away.

I guess that even a monster like me can still feel.

I suddenly felt a faint shuffle.

My heart skipped a beat and I snapped up to look at her.



I started shuffling. My head was pounding painfully, but I could feel my body working. Slowly awakening. Finally..

First my feet, I could move them slightly. I wiggled my toes over and over, trying to regain the sensation on my feet.

My hands came next. I opened and closed my hands. I could feel my strength returning. Perfect..

My eyes slowly fluttered open.

My vision was blurry at first, but little by little, it became clearer. More refined.

I turned to a sudden weight on my right arm. It was her.

At first, I couldn't believe it. Maybe I refused to? It's hard to tell anymore.

I blinked several times, trying to focus my vision though my right eye remained blind. Why? Ohh, maybe some bandages. That could do it.

"Izumi! Izumi, can you hear me!?"
She called out.

Why the hell are you even asking? Obviously, I'm awake. Why is she even here? She's the reason I'm here. Why I'm like this. Her and all those other heroes.

Just breathe.

She'll get what's coming to her.

They all will.

First, I have to regain my strength.


"So now you know the truth. Will you help me?" Pandora asked.

"I d-don't know. I'm scared."

"Of course you are. It's natural to be afraid." Pandora says matter of factly. She then walks over to Izumi and pulls her into a hug. "But I have no such weakness. All I need, is for you to hand over our body. Think of it like switching places."

"Tha-That's it?"

Pandora smiles sweetly, yet a sinister grin threatened to surface. "That's right. If you ever want control again, you just have to ask."

"Ok..I'll do it."

"Great! Just one last thing, so I can avoid any issues in the future..regarding our traitorous girlfriend."

"What about Chako?"

"Do you forgive her?" She asked seriously. A bit of venom, lacing the question.

Izumi looked down, her bangs casting a shadow over her eyes.


*Back to present*

"I'm so glad you're awake.." Ochako cried out, "How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere?"

"Are you blind or something? You do see me, don't you?" She answers angrily yet weakly.

"Right! Sorry..It was a stupid question.."

"Tch..why are you here?"

Ochako looks down at her hands.
"I wanted to help you.. I was so afraid that I'd lose you forever.."

"You've already lost me." Izumi replies, turning away from her.

"I understand.. but, I won't give up so easily." Ochako smiles back.

This causes the girl to snap her head back at her.
"What!? You said you'd leave me alone."

"I know, but after seeing you almost die..I've changed my mind. I want to earn your trust again. Your love....the right way this time. I know that's selfish, but I don't care anymore. This is how I feel. And I won't back down."

Izumi stares at her bewildered.
"You're crazy." She says simply, looking away again.

"I know, but I'm the only one that can help you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I know you're hurting inside. I know that the pain is unbearable, especially now and in the coming days. It won't be easy for you to adjust, and I want to help you. Be there. Everyone does actually."

Izumi snickers "Oh how noble." She says sarcastically.

"Thank you." She smiles sadly.

"I was being sarcastic. I'm sure even you can see that."

She nods "I can..and it hurts to hear you talk to me like that, even if I do deserve it. But like I said. I'm not giving up on you. I'll be a hero that'll make you smile."

This causes her to frown. "I don't need you. In fact, I consider you a nuisance. Just another mistake that I need to correct."

Ochako lowers her head slightly, but then looks up at her determined. "I won't give up. Even if you say that."

Izumi grits her teeth, furious.
"Fine. Suit yourself, Uraraka."

Ochako smiles again, "Thank you. Now, are you hungry?"

Izumi raises her eyebrow, "You brought me food?"

"N-No, but I can get you something. Anything you want." She insists.

"Then give me something that'll fill me up. Make yourself useful for once." She snaps at her.

"Ok, just give me a few minutes, I'll be right back." She gets up and quickly leaves to get something for Izumi to eat.

As she closed the door, Izumi grinned "Perfect, I'm finally free." She took a deep breath and exhaled happily "I can't believe that she held me down for all of these years. I'm sorry Izumi, but you need to sleep for awhile. It's my turn to play."

Pandora grinned widely as her body glowed a dim red hue, followed by electricity crackling wildly as her strength returned.


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