Another one came to him and gave his notebook, thanking him then leaving. The teacher finally comes in class and made everyone sit down on their individual sits. Class went on and lunch started.

Nightmare got up on his, heading to the library, but only to be drag by someone. "He-hey.. Stop" He didn't even have the courage to shout. He was now let go and stood. They were at the roof top. "Seriously" He look towards the people. Horror, killer.. And dust. "Didn't you hear that I didn't wanted to" Nightmare reminded dust. His cold gazed was toward dust. "I wasn't even the one who dragged you here! I didn't even ask them!" Dust said. They were the only one in the roof so not much people heard the commotion. "C'mon dust.. We didn't invite you here for some lunch.. We just wanted fun" Killer said with the never ending grin he had. "He-hey guys! This isn't cool.. He didn't even do anything.." "Are you defending him dust? Do you like him?" Horror added, getting up on his sit. Horror held dust's arms. "Don't be stupid dust, you know how much his piece of shit ratted us out and shit he done." Killer pushed on the metal fence.

Nightmare tried running off, but his leg was kicked and he fell on the ground. Killed grabbed nightmare's hair/skull/head (which au you prefer) and made him face to face. Nightmare for self defense butt headed the other and ran off with his bag. "You idiots!" Dust kicked his leg back to horror's crotch. "Fuck!" Horror cursed and let got off dust.

He ran after nightmare. "Nightmare! Wait!" Out of fear he thought dust was chasing him to beat him, so he ran down faster the stairs. Nightmare tripped on some random pencil on the stairs. (Dumb fucks, can't even keep their pencils in the bag) Dust grabbed nightmare's wrist and held onto the railing, but nightmare's hand slipped, resulting him on a fall.

Students witness the fall and saw nightmare on the ground. "Oww- ow, ow, ow.. My arm.. I think it broke.." Blood started to spread on his right arm. He hissed from the pain, but the sudden attention caught his instead. Everyone was looking at him. They were looking at him. He turned around to get up, but he slip on his own blood.

He wasn't used to this kind of attention. "Are you okay?" "What happened?" Several voices surrounded him. The blood soaked his sleeves and pants. The voice that was worried for him didn't help, it only made things worse. "Why is he bleeding?"

"Brother!" His brother shouted for him and ran to him. "Wha-what happened to you?" Dream crouched down to nightmare and hold both of his arms. Nightmare only passed out on dream's shoulder. "Brother!"

Teachers came to the commotion and saw nightmare bleeding on his right arm. "Somebody call the ambulance!"

Dust had to witness this, knowing he was the cause of this made it even worse. If only he didn't ask nightmare. If only.. But we all know you can't turn back time.

Nightmare was sent to the hospital and the parents of the three friends were called. Another student was there to tell what they saw. "All I saw was nightmare running down the stairs, but he fell and dust tried to catch him. He failed and nightmare fell off the stairs to the floor. He said that he thinks his arm broke, but all of a sudden he started bleeding for some reason. He probably passed out from lost of blood or from the attention he was getting or something." The student explained. Everyone looked at dust "Would you like to explain dust" The principal spoke. "Horror and I were just eating at the roof, but then u saw killer drag nightmare there. Killer said that we invited him there for some fun when nightmare already told me that he didn't wanted to eat with us. Killer just started to push him and horror got my arms so I couldn't help nightmare. Nightmare hit killer's forehead with his and ran away. I kicked horror's dick from behind and ran after him to apologize, but I guess he got the wrong idea of me chasing him. But like they said, I tried getting him when he was gonna fall, but his wrist slip. I don't know the reason why he was bleeding too." Dust explained his part.

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