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Sam Evans was having the worst week of his life

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Sam Evans was having the worst week of his life. His family couldn't afford their house anymore which led them to be kicked out. Now they lived in a motel and Sam had the responsibility of taking care of his siblings while his parents looked for work.

He tried to do well in school but it was hard when his mind was constantly else where. He even had to skip Glee some days to babysit. The only thing keeping him sane was his girlfriend. Clara would come and help him babysit so he wasn't so overwhelmed along with helping him with
homework. She really was like some Angel.

The couple walked down the hall together and it was obvious Sam hadn't slept. The day had just begun but Sam barely could keep his eyes open.

"You could go to the nurse and sleep in there." Clara suggested.

"No, I have to go to class."

"Sam, I know you have a lot on your plate but you're stretching yourself too thin."

"I don't have any other choice." He sighed

"I know" Clara frowned and just gave his hand a comforting squeeze. She wished she could help him more but her family was barely managing themselves.

"You helping babysit is more than enough. I really can't thank you enough." Sam said. He felt horrible that Clara had to help him. He also felt like a horrible boyfriend because he couldn't take her on dates like she deserved.

"Your siblings are the sweetest. I love helping and I know you appreciate it. I will take kisses as my payment." The brown haired girl smiled

"In that case"

Sam then gave Clara two kisses and then kissed her forehead.

The two went into the choir room that morning and Sam put his head on Clara's shoulder. Clara kissed the top of his head as he drifted off to sleep. Sadly he only got a few minutes before Finn came charging in.

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