The Sue Sylvester Shuffle

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Clara walked with Artie down the hall discussing their plans for their robotics club project

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Clara walked with Artie down the hall discussing their plans for their robotics club project. That was originally how the two met. They joined the club freshman year and became friends. No one talked to Artie because of the wheelchair but Clara didn't care.

"Ok so I got the basics of it done I just need help with some of the coding."

"No problem, also do you think we could change it so the robot can do more then go forward and spin. I just feel it should at least pick something up. Or have some sort of pump to shoot things like a canon."

"Sure, maybe we can shoot ping pong balls at Karofsky." Clara chuckled.

Just then Clara and Artie got slushed. Clara luckily wasn't hit too bad because Artie got the brunt of it. Clara wiped her eyes and saw Artie was soaked.

"Here, take my sweater" Clara said and pulled one out from her bag. She pushed Artie to the choir room where everyone turned to the pair in shock.

"Oh, my God, Artie, Clara" Tina said
"It was awful." Artie said and Clara nodded

"Thank god it wasn't blue raspberry."

"That's it! Screw rehearsal! This ends here and now." Finn said getting up. He hated the football guys for always picking on them but when it came to Clara he was ready to fight.

"Agreed" Sam said

"We're gonna go all Thunderdome on those guys."

All the Glee guys were ready to fight for Clara. That was something she deeply appreciated but stood in front of the door.

"Guys it's fine, seriously you don't need to beat them up. Plus you can't get into fights Puck." Clara pointed out.

"You ok" Sam asked getting some slushee out of Clara's face.

"Yeah, thank god it was Cherry" She said making him smile.

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