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There was hustle and bustle in Ahmad's family after all the most beloved child of their family came there after years.

Few people were extremely happy, few were jealous and few people were drooling over him because why not. Zaviyaar's grandmother became very emotional after seeing him and he too loves her a lot.

At this time whole Ahmad family was sitting in the hall sharing the amazing and unforgettable moment with each other. Zaviyaar's father Mr. Sayed Ahmad was telling them funny stories about Zaviyaar's childhood that he spent here.

"I never knew that Zavi was so mischievous in his childhood but look at him now, he become so mature."
Amaan said looking at Zaviyaar with wide smile only to receive a pissed off reaction from his friend. They all laughed at Zaviyaar's reaction actually he was quite embarassed.

"Now let me tell you an another interesting thing about Zavi." Mr. Ahmad said gaining everyone's attention.

They all looked so desperate to hear it specially Amaan because he is definately gonna make fun of him in the future.

"Zavi used to bully an innocent girl in his school because she never gave him attention." Everyone laughed there lungs out but there was Zaviyaar whose heart skipped a beat hearing about that particular girl. A soft smile captured his lips which got unnoticed by everyone.

"I knew it. He is a jerk since childhood." Amaan said while teasing his friend who got up from his place and went outside.


Zaviyaar was standing in his lawn looking affectionately at the house in front of him.

She used to live there. But she left this house because of him.

He was in his thought when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back and saw his father standing there.

"Are you upset?" Mr. Ahmad asked.

"Why should I?"

Mr. Ahmad sighed. "I am so sorry Zavi."

"Why are you saying sorry?" He said holding his father's hand.

Mr. Ahmad hugged his son and patted his back.

"She works in my friend's company." Mr. Ahmad said.

"I know. I have every detail of her."

"Then why don't you approach her?"

"I am waiting for the right time. She doesn't want to see me. I will have to do everything every carefully otherwise she will get hurt."

"I am with you. Tell me if you need any help." Zaviyaar gave him a warm smile.


"Eat your food at time and don't talk to stranger." Haadia warned his sister who was now frustrated.

"I am not a kid. If you are so concerned about me then why don't you come with me?" Eshaal played a trick.

"Don't play wise. I won't come and promise me you will call me everyday."

"Ok. But you should come. Nani(maternal grandmother) will be upset if she doesn't see you."

"Eshaal leave it...you are getting late." Haadia said changing the topic.

"hmm...Allah hafiz take care."

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