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Things got better for the two brothers after that, Heaven was reopened and all the angels modified the human's memory. So that they wouldn't remember what had happened. God said he didn't want his children to remember an event that day, but even without their memories. The humans came together to fix all the damage that had been done. A few people kept their memories like Dean and all of Sam's friends. Adjusting to human life proved to be a struggle for Sam. He had to learn that he wasn't as powerful anymore and couldn't fly. Sometimes people would whisper about him in the halls which made him uncomfortable.
But Dean was there for him every step of the way.

Sam also rebuilt his friendships with Jessica, Sarah and Barry. He cut out Brady since the kid had been a spy and without the demon inside him, he was quite a jerk. Sam thought they would hate him but his friends still liked him and stuck with him, even as he got older. Sam also didn't have to worry about changing schools, Dean retired from hunting and took on a job, becoming the go to person for information on supernatural. There were days where Dean missed being in the action, so he would take up simple cases.

When Sam became a teenager he accompanied Dean on a few hunts, despite Dean's protests. Sam claimed he wanted to get back into the action so they could be a hunting team again. But that didn't last long as Dean had to stop because he would get frequent headaches during the day which distracted him from his work. So by the time Sam was 17 Dean had stopped hunting all together. Dean told himself that age was just catching up with him, but he a few worries behind it.

Sam worried for him as well but when Castiel look at him he couldn't find anything wrong. A year later because of his intelligence Sam got a full ride to Stanford. Dean was so proud of him that he cried despite denying it to everyone who asked him if he had. He studied in prelaw with the intention of becoming a lawyer and got engaged to Jessica who he had been dating since highschool. Sarah joked with the two of them about it, saying it was bound to happen at some point. Dean also wasn't surprised at the news and he was happy to welcome her into the family.

For a brief time after all that everything seemed to be okay, Sam got married and had a son with Jessica. The couple named him Jack, and Dean took great pleasure in spoiling the kid and getting him into trouble. Much to Sam's annoyance, and the couple by then was expecting another baby.  It was a boy and everyone was happy, but then that all that happiness ended. A week before Jack's fourth birthday, Dean was rushed into the hospital as he had a stroke. Sam feared that it was the leftover damage from the blessing and his fears were confirmed, when the doctors said that his brain had been damaged in some places.

Sam stayed by his brother's side throughout his treatment even when Dean couldn't speak anymore. He know what was coming and he didn't want to accept it, but he had always known that this day was going to come. No matter how much he didn't want it to, he couldn't turn back time no matter how much he wanted to. Nor did he have the ability to repair the damage that had been done. Castiel had told him that there was nothing he could do because this was the cost of being mortal.

On that dreadful day where Sam had to say goodbye, he walked into Dean's hospital room, he was asleep due to a second stroke happening. Sam sucked in multiple breaths
and grabbed his brother's hand. Dean didn't speak but he woke up. Dean offered him a smile, and Sam returned one but it didn't reach his eyes. He wasn't ready to let Dean go, but then again he never would be ready. Dean hadn't been ready to let him go when he died, and Sam knew that this wasn't goodbye forever. They would meet again, there souls were tied together after all.
"Dean its okay you can go now, " Sam said to his brother.

Dean gave him one last smile before his eyes closed and Sam knew he was gone. It wasn't until they had called it that he let himself cry. He continued to so until he got home and Jessica knew by his reaction what had happened. She comforted him the best she could and let him cry, Jessica knew that Sam would be a wreck. But he wasn't alone and a few nights later when she overheard Sam talking with their son. She feared that Jack might say something to upset his father. But she was wrong, it was storming  outside and Jack was scared of all the noise.

"What's up buddy?" Sam asked as Jack clung to him.
"The thunder scares me, " Jack admitted.
"Hey you have nothing to fear, " Sam said to his son and when Jack asked him why. Sam gave him an answer he knew from experience. "Because angels are watching over you, " Jack smiled at those words and hugged his father.
"Is my brother an angel?" He asked. "I seem him in my dreams, " he continued and Sam remembered when he heard Dean say the exact same thing.
"I guess only time will tell, " Sam responded.

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