Chapter nineteen

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"You're sure?" Azazel asked after Ruby had told him everything.
"Yes our little spy told me everything, " Ruby answered. Azazel grinned at the thought of bringing back his king once and for all.
"It appears that our attempt was successful then, we just need to complete the ritual, " Azazel responded.
"But all of the items were destroyed, " Ruby pointed out.

"That's true but we don't need them anymore, we only need the boy, " Azazel answered.
"Shall I fetch him, sir?" Ruby asked eager to break into the bunker and take their king so he could return.
"No Dean Winchester will no doubt be prepared for a demon to take him, " Azazel explained. He had observed the hunter for many years and knew that he would let his guard down when it came to demons. "We need to arrange something that Dean won't see coming, like an angel taking him away, " Azazel continued.
"No angel would work with us, " Ruby said unsure what he was getting at.

"Maybe not us but I know one who would work with Meg, what is the status on her mission?" Azazel asked.
"Still no word from her, so I can't say, " Ruby answered. She wasn't Meg's biggest fan as she knew the demon secretly had a thing for Castiel. But if she was willing to use her ex angel boyfriend to bring back their king, maybe she could be trusted.
"Then it's time we make a call, fetch me a bowl, " Azazel responded and a wicked smile appeared on his face. His king was just inches away and once Lucifer rose again, all of Heaven and Earth would pay.

"Alright class who can tell me what 7-5 is?" The teacher asked her class. Like always Sam was the one who rose his hand, and a few other kids rolled their eyes.
"The answer is two, " Sam said once the teacher pointed at him.
"Correct again, " she praised and the young woman was happy that she had a student who enjoyed learning so much.
"Way to go, Sam, " Jessica praised from her seat next to Sam.
"Teacher's pet, " Dirk groaned under his breath.
"Grow up Dirk, " Sarah another girl nearby scolded. She was always standing for Sam whenever others picked on him. The new student had actually become quite popular in the few days, he had been attending this class.

"Students please don't talk while I'm talking, " the teacher scolded.
"Sorry Ms. Madison, " the class apologized. Suddenly the bell rang meaning it was time for Recess.
"Okay time to go outside come on kids, " Madison said leading her class outside, and like the little kids, they were the students cheered with excitement.
"Sam do you wanna play catch with Sarah and I?" Jess asked once she found Sam sitting by the playground with Brady and Barry.
"Okay, " Sam agreed. He was always eager to spend time with his friends, something Dean was very supportive of whenever he brought them up. The only one he was unsure of was Brady, sometimes it felt like he wasn't human.

But Sam ignored the warnings his grace gave him, as he enjoyed Brady's company. Soon all four of the kids minus Barry who wanted no part in the game were tossing the ball around.
"Look at him, new kids think he's so smart," Dirk said as he watched the scene with one of his bully sidekicks. Everyone seemed to love Sam and he didn't like that this new kid was getting so much attention.
"Don't you want to play with them?" His friend asked.
"No that's a sissy game, " Dirk answered. "That's it I've got a plan, " he said as an idea hit him. Sam had to go and Dirk knew exactly how to do it.

"Sam catch it!" Sarah called out throwing the ball at him and Sam moved out of the way unsure what catch meant.
"Huh?" The disguised angel asked.
"Sam you're supposed to catch it, like this, " Jess said tossing the ball to Brady who caught it instantly.
"Oh I've never done this before, " Sam admitted.
"Didn't your Dad teach you how to catch?" Sarah asked thinking Dean was his Dad.
"I don't live with my dad, " Sam whispered but Sarah still heard it.
"Sarah we talked about this, " Jessica said worried her friend would upset Sam.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say something mean, " Sarah said worried that Sam would get angry with her.

"It's okay Dean is very nice and he is like my Dad, but no he hasn't taught me how to play this, " Sam admitted. "Can you guys teach me?" He asked and all of his friends said they could when Dirk appeared.
"Hey Sam, what's up, " Dirk said with a fake smile.
"What are you doing here?" Brady asked knowing Dirk had something planned. If he had to he would remove the kid for attempting to harm his king.
"We just wanted to talk with Sam, you four can run along now, " Dirk said shoving them away.
"It's okay guys I'll be inside soon, " Sam said not realizing what Dirk had planned. His friends reluctantly left him alone but Jess still went to go get the teacher.

"What do you want?" Sam asked the bully. He had brought up Dirk's bullying to Dean before and Dean said he would kick the kid's ass if he tried anything. It took Sam a long time to convince Dean not to because he knew that Dean would get in trouble. And he didn't want Dean to leave him, he was starting to see Dean as a father. In the young angel's mind, he hoped that Dean loved him as much Sam loved him.
"Do you know why I pick on you?" Dirk asked setting the stage for his plan.
"Because you're a meanie, " Sam declared.
"No, it's because I was testing me, " Dirk lied.

"Testing me?" Sam asked falling into Dirk's trap.
"Yes I test new kids so that they will become brave and strong, " Dirk answered. "You passed the first test, now all you have to do is go into the dark forest, " he continued.
"By myself? During a school day?" Sam asked a bit surprised.
"Don't worry I'll tell Ms. Madison where you went, now go on and show me how brave you are, " Dirk said and Sam walked off with a simple okay. The second Sam was out of earshot Dirk burst into a fit of bully-like laughter. There was no way they would ever see Sam again.

The remainder of the day, Sam's friends knew something was wrong the second he didn't come back to class. He never missed class, so when Dean arrived and heard from a panicked Ms. Madison that Sam had gone missing. Jessica decided to share her suspicions with the hunter.
"Excuse me, " she said pulling on Dean's sleeve while he tried not to snap at the teacher for losing track of Sam.
"What is it, Jess?" Dean asked already aware of who she was.
"Mr. Dean I think that Dirk did something to Sam, " she explained.
"Why do you say that?" Dean asked and Jessica explained how Dirk was the last person Sam talked to before he went missing.

"I am worried about him, Sarah is worried too, what if Dirk hurt him?" Jessica asked almost on the verge of tears.
"Don't worry I'll find him, " Dean promised the young girl. But first, he had to find this Dirk kid and get his answers. Meanwhile, Brady watched from the table and had plans of his own for Dirk. No one messed with the king and got away with it. Dean found Dirk by the playground and the kid became terrified.
"Hey Dirk, " Dean said acting causally.

"Hello Mr. Winchester, " Dirk answered swallowing hard.
"Make this easy on yourself and tell me where Sam is, " Dean said growling through his teeth.
"I don't know any Sam, " Dirk lied.
"Oh but you do, I know that you bully him and unless you want things to get ugly, you'll tell me where he is, " Dean answered his voice dripping with anger.
"Are you threatening me, Mr. Winchester?" Dirk asked.

"Perhaps, " Dean answered in a casual tone even though he was pissed. Dirk became frightened and fessed up.
"Sam is in the dark forest, I tricked him into going there, " Dirk confessed.
"Even for your age you make me sick, " Dean answered and then left Dirk standing there shaking. The hunter wasted no time rushing back to his car and speeding off to the forest. That was the worst place for Sam to be, he could get lost or hurt or both. He could even run into something supernatural-related. Dean couldn't let anything happen to Sam, he had become attached to the kid and saw him as a little brother or maybe even a son.

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