Chapter twenty four

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Michael could feel the return of his brother, and he shuddered as he felt Lucifer's grace.
"Oh Castiel what have you done?" Michael asked as he knew that Castiel was supposed to be watching Dean. There was no time to waste, he had to get Dean and fight Lucifer off before he destroyed the whole planet. He went into the Bunker and found Dean unconscious on the ground, and Michael used his powers to wake him up.

"Sammy!" Dean screamed as soon as he woke up. He looked around the room for any sign of Sam or Castiel.
"He is not here anymore, Castiel was tricked and now the demons have him, " Michael explained.
"Then I have to save him!" Dean declared. He had to march down and rip the gates of Hell open, he would.
"It's too late for that Dean, they have already completed the ritual, " Michael answered and Dean ran his fingers through his hair. What was he supposed to do now?
"They turned Sam into Lucifer, didn't they?" Dean asked

"I'm so sorry Dean but yes they have, that was the purpose of the spell, " Michael responded. "It meant to bring him back into his real form, but the spell wasn't complete so part of him was still in the cage, " he continued. "But now we must find a way to stop him, " he explained.
"I can't do it, I can't say yes you'll kill him, " Dean said through tears.
"Dean I understood that this is difficult for you, but I can't allow my brother the harm humanity, " Michael answered.
"How could you understand?" Dean asked with spite but then quickly regretted what he said. "Please forgive me, Michael I didn't mean to, " he pleaded.

"I know, you're a righteous man Dean, that is why you're my vessel, " Michael explained. "And believe me I know how hard this, Lucifer is my little brother and I loved him, " he continued. "But he let his pride consume his mind and he fell into darkness, that's why I had to send him to Hell, " he finished.
"I thought you always said it was because you were told to?" Dean asked.
"My father told me to do it, yes, but it didn't make the task any easier, " Michael answered. "When I saw him change into that dragon I knew I had lost him, "

"I never thought about that, " Dean said. Maybe he and Michael weren't too different after all. But before the archangel could answer lighting flashed in the sky and Michael was struck.
"How dare you try to take what is mine, Michael?" Lucifer asked and Dean turned to face the evil angel. "Oh hello Dean, " he smiled but Dean said nothing. Lucifer looked like exactly like Sam would have if never died. Dean couldn't speak he was filled with so many emotions that he found it hard to breathe.

"It must be painful speaking to me this shape, " Lucifer said after he realized why Dean wasn't speaking. "You don't afraid of me Dean," he continued.
"Will go ahead kill me, " Dean said staring at him.
"Kill you?" Lucifer asked. "If I wanted to I would have done it already, " he continued. "besides De why would I want to?" He mocked saying the nickname in a sing-song tone, knowing that would have an effect. Dean's whole body tensed up and he felt like crying because he had just lost Sam again. Was there anything he could do besides losing him?

"I take you're here to say that you faked the whole thing?" Dean asked. He wouldn't cry not in front of the devil, it would only make him look weak.
"No Dean I didn't fake anything, I wouldn't have called you my father if I didn't care, " Lucifer explained and Dean's heart sank.
"Oh that's right Castiel didn't tell you, he took me after he put you to sleep, " Lucifer growled. "All I wanted to do was help you, but I was taken away from you, " he continued. Lucifer then took a glance at the injured Michael.

"Don't believe a word he says Dean, " Lucifer pointed out. "He betrayed me and called me a monster, " he continued.
"You have to do this Sam I can help you, " Dean said to him. He knew reasoning was probably pointless, but he had lost Sam to Uriel he wasn't going to lose him to Lucifer.
"There is no more Sam, he died a long time ago" Lucifer confirmed. "I'm Lucifer, have been the whole time, " he continued. "Your brother was meant to be my vessel but since he was never human, I took his form," he kept going. "So yeah Sammy is long gone," he declared.

"I refuse to believe that, " Dean responded.
"Oh Dean don't be like that, I meant what I said the other day, I won't let you leave me," Lucifer said using his powers to teleport so he was now behind Dean.
"I won't let you do this Lucifer, I will find a way to stop you, " Michael said trying to stand up but Lucifer kept him grounded.
"Not as powerful without your spear or sword are you, brother?" Lucifer mocked. "But I won't fight you now, I want you to be at full strength when we fight in the sky again, " he continued.

The ground beneath them started to shake and Dean looked horrified. He couldn't just leave Michael there, he had to help him. But Lucifer gripped him before he could even move. "Time to go, Dean, " Lucifer said teleporting away with him. Michael continued to struggle until his archangel powers healed him. He had to warn Heaven before Lucifer tried to take over again. He was about to fly off when he heard Castiel message him through angel radio.
"Michael the demons completed the ritual, Lucifer is back, " Castiel said to him. Michael could tell that by the strain his younger brother was hurt.

"I know I already had a run-in with him, he took Dean, " Michael replied.
"they grew close brother, Lucifer called him father when I separated, " Castiel explained. Michael fell silent as he took those words in. Why would Lucifer grow close to a human? He hated all of humanity and became jealous of their father's love for it. "Michael?" Castiel asked worried something had happened.
"I'm fine but a thought just occurred to me, I need to warn Heaven and lead my forces, " Michael commanded. "There is something you must check brother, and we need to find a way to get Dean out of Hell, " he continued. "He's the only one that can stop Hell from rising, " he finished and then cut off his connection so he could warn his brothers and sisters of the threat.

As he flew back to Heaven, a thought occurred to him. The angel who attacked him certainly felt like Lucifer, he'd recognize his brother's grace anywhere. The angel also claimed to be Lucifer, but he didn't look like Lucifer, talk like him or even act like him. Lucifer was heartless and would have killed him and Dean without a second thought. He also never would have taken a human done to Hell unless he tricked them into going there or sent his dogs to drag them down. Call him crazy but he was starting to wonder if Lucifer was really Lucifer?

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