Chapter 63

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Walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me and my hair wet, I look over to the peaceful sleeping Carlo.

I look down at my hand and admire the ring.

I'm married.

I breathe out a laugh and walk over to Carlo, he's laying on his back with his arms spread above his head a little and legs a little spread. The blanket covers his dick and a little of his thighs.

I stroke my finger on his nose before pressing a light kiss to his lips, as I pull back Carlo's lips turn into a kissy face. "More please." He whispers with a croaky voice.

Smiling, I lean down again holding the top of my towel and press a kiss to his lips, I feel him try to open my mouth but I pull back.

His eyes snap open and he glares at me before standing up, the blanket falling off him. He stretches as he walks to the bathroom, I sit on the side of the bed trying to dry my hair with a different towel as I hear the tap start running and the sound of a toothbrush against teeth.

Carlo eventually walks out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, smiling, exaggerating it showing me his teeth. "All clean." He pushes me back on the bed and climbs on top of me kissing me softly.

I lean back on my elbows and let him kiss me, he holds himself up above me on his hands and turns his head to the other side. When he pulls back he has a bright smile on his face, he looks down at the towel and scrunches up his eyebrows.

"Why?" He whines like a three year old and opens the towel up. His smile comes back and he pushes me down onto my back and leans on my breasts holding me close to him.

"You're an actual child." I tease.

"We're leaving today." Carlo sits up and rests his forehead on mine.

"I know." I mumble. "What am I going to do without Giovanni?" I stick my bottom lip out.

Carlo glares at me. "Nobody needs Giovanni. Especially you, you have me."

"What if I get tired of you?" I joke with a smile.

He raises his eyebrows. "Tough shit." He shrugs and kisses my nose.

My phone starts to ring and I tilt my head to the side to see who it is. I pick it up when I see that it's Rose.

"Hey momma bear." I answer.

"Hello treasure, are you two packed yet?" She questions and I can hear the authority in her tone meaning she's in her 'I need everything done at a certain time and place' mode.

"Yes, we're just having breakfast then coming over." I lie, Carlo raises his eyebrows and moves his head to my ear.

"Did you just lie?" He chuckles, kissing down my neck.

"Okay, we're going to have lunch with everyone until we leave so be ready for that." She sighs.

Carlo bites down on my soft spot on my neck making me bite my lip. "Will do." I answer Rose.

I hear him chuckle in my neck as his hand slides down my body and kneads the inside of my thigh. I gasp but quickly turn it into a cough.

"Are you okay?" Rose asks.

"Yup. I choked on my water." I cough out.

"Alright." She laughs. "We'll see you later."

"Bye." I answer quickly before hanging up, Carlo is still sucking at my neck and his hand is still on my thigh.

I turn us over so I'm on top and he looks up at me surprised. "Don't do that." I warn as he smiles childishly at me.

He sets his hands on my waist, I slap them away and get up off him walking over to the wardrobe.

"Go get dressed. I need to say goodbye to Nicola and Giovanni."

I hear Carlo groan in annoyance as I close the wardrobe door.



Awkward mother fucking silence.

It's the silence that makes you want to say something just to get out of it, but then realise you have zero social skills and know you won't say anything.

We've been sat in the dining room for ages and the only sounds that can be heard are the scraping of cutlery in the plates and the few awkward coughs here and there.

I've been making myself busy by making Lexi uncomfortable, the best feeling ever. She's sat in front of me eating and trying not to make direct eye contact with me.

Carlo has one hand on my thigh and the other holding his fork which he is using to play with his food.

"Eat something Adelaide." He whispers into my ear when he realises I haven't touched the food and the cutlery is still in the same exact place it was before we sat down.

I shake my head no, still staring at Lexi. "Im not hungry." I whisper back.

"Del." He warns.

I finally look at him. "Don't try and force me." I can see him about to say something. "Please don't."

Carlo sighs and leans back in his chair, "I won't eat until you eat then."

I feel my heart break a little at the words that came out of his mouth, my hands grow sweaty and I stare at the food trying to force myself to eat it so he won't starve.

But I really don't want it. But I don't want him to starve.

I roll my eyes at him and look back at Lexi who is staring at Carlo.

Does she not learn?

"So Lexi, how's Ricardo?" I ask.

She looks at me quickly. "He's fine."

"He's having a nap." Tobias smiles at me, the type of smile that tells you he's proud to be a father.

I nod my head in understanding, when I go to say something else Giovanni starts talking instead. "Adelaide, come with me." He stands up and walks out of the room.

I stand up and so does Carlo, he takes my hand in his and we start to walk out.

"He only said Adelaide." Rico grits from his seat.

Carlo ignores him and we proceed to walk out.


Flashback: (From chapter 18)

"Adelaide, come with me." Santiago demands.

Adelaide's whole body stiffens and her fingers stop trailing my veins. This is where I start to get the feeling that the reason why Bella isn't here is because of him.

End of flashback:


I ignore Rico and continue to walk to where I see Giovanni at the end of the hall.

"I'm only going to take her in my office." He reassures as soon as we stop in front of him.

I stare at him and tighten my hand around Adelaide's. I know he won't hurt her, but I can't do that to her again.


Flashback: (chapter 18)

"Sorry about that." Santiago announces as he finally enters the room and sits back down.

Adelaide walks in slowly, her face pale and she now wears a black jacket.

End of flashback:


I look down at Adelaide and she gives me a small reassuring smile, I let her hand go and kiss the top of her head.

They both walk into his office and I lean against the wall beside the door.

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