Chapter 2

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Over the past few years I have gotten used to the hard missions. I have come to like it almost. I like the racing, the guns, the knives, the fighting. Even the adrenaline rush has started to feel like home to me.

It's my own personal playground.

"Del, we're nearly there" One of the men says through the earpiece.

"Gotcha" I mumble when I see what we are looking for.

I open my window as I speed up and the others speed in alignment with me. The black SUV pulls in behind me a little and the other two stay a little behind me but to my sides.

We are all following a prisoner transport bus to get my fathers second in command out. The idiot got one of our warehouses raided. He got drunk at a bar and told an undercover cop almost everything.

I don't know why my father still wants him around what he did was just plain stupid.
I swerve and speed up beside the bus. The SUV gets as close as it can behind the back.

"Now Adelaide!" Another guy screams down the earpiece.

Listening I move ahead in front of the bus and spin the wheel and turn so I'm driving backwards, facing the front of the bus.

I speed backwards so I'm not completely in front of it. I slam on the brakes so it's jarred and my car comes to a screeching halt. I quickly unbuckle and open my door. I swing myself so I'm on the hood of the car and wait for the bus to stop as well.

Deep breath.

The bus struggles to stop at the sudden intrusion in front of it and at the last minute I jump onto it and climb to the top of it.

"Get ready" I say so the others now I'm on top of the bus. I open the hatch on the top of the bus and stick my head through. I see four guards and I shoot them all.

I jump through and scan the prisoners until I find that one familiar face. "You're an idiot, Adrian" I roll my eyes and he gives me a smile of victory.

I pick the lock on his handcuffs and chains before walking to the back of the bus.

Flinging the doors open I wait for him to stand next to me. The SUV gets as close as it can to the doors and waits. Adrian is looking behind him as if waiting for something.

"Jump then" I say when he just stands there.


I roll my eyes and push him forward. The van drifts to the side and the back door opens so Adrian falls into it.

The van drives off and the other car comes to get me, I jump onto the roof and slide through the window.

"Good job"

I look at Jeremiah, one of the guys that taught me to use a gun.

I smile and give him a fist bump which turns into our small handshake. He speeds away from the scene and to the house.


"Here" Jeremiah throws me a pair of black strappy heels.

"Thanks" I put the heels on and walked through the house.

Don't panic.

I knock on my fathers office door and wait for him to let me in as I make sure my clothes look presentable.

There's a huge dust spot in my hip from jumping from one vehicle to the other, I quickly wipe it off as best as I can. It was probably a bad idea going on the mission in these clothes.

"Come in"

I walk in and see five guys in suits standing around the room with their arms crossed, legs apart and looking at me.

There's two other guys sitting in front of the long dark oak desk. One man is old with black hair and grey hair coming through. His suit is grey and he holds a glass of whiskey in his hand.

The other one sat down, looking to be around my age, black curly hair and green eyes. He's in an all black suit, legs spread apart and slouching, his arms on the arm rests. He also looks as if he's about to fall asleep.

I guess I'm not the only one being forced by father to be here.

I close the door behind me and step forward a little. My hands linked in front of me and my eyes looking out of the huge window.

I'm not allowed to look at my father unless he speaks to me. He says he doesn't want an ugly, disrespectful girl like me looking at him any longer than I should.

So I oblige. It's not like I want to look at the greasy old man anyways.

"Rico this is Adelaide. Adelaide, this is Rico Knight." My father says to the older man.

"Lovely to meet you" He holds his hand out and I side glance my father he gives me a slight nod and I put my hand in the mans.


"This is my son Carlo."

Carlo and I shake hands and I go back to where I was standing.

From the corner of my eye I see Carlo staring deadly at his father. His father is looking me up and down like I'm a toy.

I shuffle on my feet but stop when Santiago glares at me, so I go back to touching my thumbs to my fingers.

"You will be marrying Carlo. We have come to a deal that you both can choose the date just as long as it happens"

"What!" I say as calmly as I can but it doesn't work "No thank you. I'm good" My words fall out of my mouth without hesitation and they don't seem to make sense.

My father slams his hands on the desk as he stands up and I flinch. He is definitely one of the men that can make me scared. The rest I can control my flinches.

"You will do as I say. This is an order". He declares.

Carlo stands up and walks forward to the desk, leaning on his knuckles. "Shout at her one more time. Go on" Carlo says in a deep, husky voice.


Santiago shuts up immediately and sits down with a slight look in his eye that tell me he's scared.

That's odd.

Then it all clicks.

"Rico this is Adelaide. Adelaide this is Rico Knight"

Knight. Knight. Knight.

Knight as in the most feared and powerful Mafia in the world.

This is going to be fun...

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