Chapter 31

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"Carlo. We're here."

I open my eyes slowly and look up at my mother. I nod my head silently and go to stretch but see that Adelaide is still on me. I put my hand on her lower back and lean back to stretch my back and make sure she doesn't fall.

Adelaide starts to open her eyes slowly and sits up glaring at me. "Sorry baby. But we're here." I stroke my thumb on her cheek and she looks out of the small window.

She slowly gets up off me whilst yawning and interlocks her hands whilst pulling them back to stretch as well. Her head turns to look around the plane and I notice she looks more awake and her eyes are more wide.

"Where's Rose and Izzy?" She questions, her waking up voice coming out a little raspy and quiet. Butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Probably outside." I stand up and take her hand in mine, leading her to the steps to get off the plane.

We walk down and there are fifteen different SUVs surrounding the plane and Izzy running around with our cousin Nicola.

My mom is talking to her brother, my uncle. Tobias and his wife Lexi. In Lexi's arms is a very small child.

We walk over to them and Adelaide looks up at Tobias then a little to Lexi then the baby and scrunches her face at it.

"You must be Adelaide. I'm Tobias." He sticks his hand out for her to shake and she flinches a little before putting her hand in his.

"Nice to meet you." She looks up at me and I smile softly at her.

She's nervous.

"This is my wife Lexi and my son Ricardo."

"Hi." Adelaide waves a little since she can't shake Lexi's hand with the baby in her arms.

"Hello. I love your eyes." Lexi whispers, leaning forward a little to look whilst Adelaide leans backwards so she still keeps her personal space.

Adelaide laughs lightly and looks at Ricardo. She brings her hood down and runs her fingers through the straightened hair she did last night.

"Can I hold him?" She asks, not taking her eyes off the baby.

Lexi smiles and passes her the baby slowly. As soon as the baby gets into Adelaide's arms she holds it in front of her with her fingers supporting his head a little.

"Hi." She whispers. Ricardo stares at her and tries to grab her face.

"How have you been Carlo?" Tobias asks, turning his attention to me.

"Good." I don't like people or my family really. The only people I can tolerate are Bella, my mum, my grandpa and grandma on my mum's side and now Adelaide.

Tobias went through a few years where none of the family would talk to him because he sold us out to the cops. They've only just got in touch with him now because of Ricardo.

I continue to ignore Tobias until he just gives up on talking to me. I look down at Adelaide and watch how she cradles Ricardo in her arms and pokes his nose playfully.

Ricardo looks up at Adelaide with his bright blue eyes and gives her a small smile. "You have teeth!" Adelaide whispers, with a hint of disgust in her voice.

She looks up at Lexi, Tobias and my mum who are talking and watching Bella play with Nicola.

Adelaide looks up at me. "You have no idea how much I want to try and throw this thing" She whispers.

My psycho.

"Adelaide. Baby. You really shouldn't do that." I try to justify.

"I'm serious Carlo if this-" Adelaide covers her hand over one of his ears and hides the other in her chest. "This bitch does something nasty I will be kicking it to the other side of the plane." She looks at me seriously.

I slowly take the baby out of Adelaide's arms and watch her cautiously. Adelaide smiles at me innocently and walks over to Izzy and Nicola.

"We should get going." I declare, holding the baby carefully at arms length to his parents.

They take him and I walk over to Adelaide, putting her hand in mine as we walk over to the cars. We all get in different cars, so my mum, Tobias, Lexi and Ricardo are in one car.

Me, Adelaide, Nicola, and Bella in another.

Adelaide plays a game on her phone with Nicola and Bella on either side of her. I sit in front of them trying not to throw one of the younger kids to the side so I can sit next to Adelaide.

"Adelaide?" Nicola taps Adelaide arm. She hums in response concentrating on her game. "Puoi essere la mia ragazza?" (Can you be my girlfriend?)


Adelaide and I say at the same time.

Well I shout, she shrugs.

Adelaide looks up confused. "He's seven!" I shout.

"Don't be jealous Carlo." Nicola taunts and kisses Adelaide's cheek making her laugh.

So close to pulling my gun out on this kid. Family or not.

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