Chapter 57

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CARLO'S POV: start song

I watch as Adelaide has her second nap of the day, she's been sleeping a lot lately but only throughout the day. At night is when her nightmares get her hardest, she tells me she doesn't feel safe in the dark and even though she feels safe with me as soon as her eyes close it's as if I'm not there.

So I know that when she's asleep I should leave her. Not only does she despise the disruption, but it's very rare she sleeps these days. So I'll let her sleep these few hours away from reality trying to escape the feeling and even if it doesn't I'll let her pretend it does.

She told me when she sleeps the voices and thoughts simmer slightly and when she's awake they are fully charged.

"Baby." I shake her shoulder slightly which makes her jump in her sleep before opening her eyes slowly.

Her tired, foggy grey eyes open and her pupils un-focus and focus again before closing again and humming to give me a reassurance she can hear me.

"I have to go out and I won't be back till later, so I'll see you later, okay?"

Adelaide opens her eyes once more and nods her head, I kiss her nose then her lips. "Can you fill this up please?" She whispers, passing me her hot water bottle.

"Of course." I take it from her hand and walk to the kitchen, I undo the cap and turn the kettle on.

I step to the side and keep an eye on Adelaide through the open door, she's on her period so I've been trying to make sure she's in as little pain as possible.

She's very quiet on her period and just likes to be comfortable. The kettle boils and I tip the water into the water bottle until it's full. I put the cover around the whole thing so it doesn't burn her and also a cold bottle of water from the fridge.

I walk over to the room and kneel in front of her, I pull her waistband forward and gently place the water bottle half in and half out so it's directly on the place it hurts.

She flinches at the heat then becomes calm, "Thank you." She smiles lightly with her eyes still closed.

I bring the blanket higher up and give her one of my hoodies to keep her calm if she wakes up and I'm not here.

"I'll see you later. I love you." I kiss her once more and stand up.

"I love you." She whispers and snuggles into the blankets more and her furry grey square pillow, she grabs my hoodie and brings it closer to her face sighing.

I walk out of the bedroom and close the door, I check the apartment and make sure everything is okay before leaving. When I get to my car I drive to the airport and get onto the private jet waiting for me.

There's just one more thing I have to do before getting married.


Walking with one hand in my pants pocket and holding a bouquet of a mixture of flowers in the other I walk down the aisle of gravestones.

Each grave either has moss on it and has clearly not been attended to and the others are clean and have flowers grouped in front of them with candles.

I stop when I come to a familiar last and middle name.

Sienna Amore Rivera.

I place the flowers in front of the grave stone and pull two candles out of my pocket, i light them up and space them apart before standing up.

Slightly rocking on my heels and my hands pocketed I stay silent for a while. It was a few days ago that I decided to come speak to her mom and now I'm nervous.

"Hello Sienna." I start becoming more anxious, even though it's a grave. "I'm Carlo. Um, I would've came before I asked but it was a fast process... That's not an excuse. I'm sorry for not coming beforehand and asking for permission."

The sun is slowly setting and the colors are sprouting around the sky. "I'm going to marry your daughter in a few days, so I decided I would come and promise you that I will look after her and make sure she is safe. Even though she probably won't need me to protect her because she's a very strong intelligent woman. I just want you to know I'm going to be there. I won't push her into doing anything she's not comfortable with and I will be there whenever she needs someone."

I crouch down and hold one hand on the gravestone, my finger brushing against their middle name.

"Your daughter is the most amazing, gorgeous woman I have ever met. I will admit I was an idiot at the start but she managed to sneak her way into my heart. And I won't let her sneak out of it. She's my grey eyed princess, and has this amazing laugh that just makes you smile when you hear it. Her smile, gosh her smile." I smile and look down to the grass as I picture her smile in my head. "Her smile makes my heart flutter and the small creases on the side of her mouth, the way her nose scrunches just makes me happy."

I swallow thickly and look up at the sky. "Your daughter and I have very strong opinions on pinky promises and although she broke one by telling me I would be there when she killed Santiago, I don't mind it. I knew when she promised it she would struggle having me there and I know for one I wouldn't be able to control myself. It was something she needed to do by herself." I chuckle. "Anyways I'm getting off topic. I promise to make her as happy as I can and keep her safe from any harm." I hold my pinky to the sky. "I promise that she will never have to be afraid again. I promise."

Closing my eyes for a second I feel relaxed and calm, when I open my eyes I look at the grave stone and kiss two of my fingers before pressing those fingers to her name and stand up.

"Goodbye Sienna. I hope you will be okay with me marrying Adelaide. Until we meet again." bow my head slightly, I don't know why I just do, and walk off towards my car to get home to my very soon to be wife.


"MON COEUR!!" (My heart)

As soon as I step foot into the apartment Adelaide is running towards me and wrapping her arms around me.

I hug her back and kiss the top of her head. "You look better."

She looks up at me and I notice how red her eyes are and her dilated pupils, I smile a little before cupping her face in my hands. "How high are you?"

Adelaide smiles. "5'4 nearly 5'5"

I raise my eyebrows and smile nearly laughing. Adelaide still has a smile that seems like she's proud of herself until she gets confused.

"Wait a minute, that's not right." She smiles up at me and runs off to the kitchen. I take my shoes and jacket off before following her.

There's two brownies and two cookie tins on the side and she's mixing something. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and I put my hands in her trousers, placing my hands where she was hurting this morning.

"Did you get some sleep?" I ask as she keeps stirring.

"Yeah then I started baking for my sleepover with Izzy the day before the wedding."

I smile at the word 'wedding'. I feel less nervous about it now that I spoke to Sienna.

I go to pick up a brownie but she slaps my hand with a spatula.

"They're Izzy's."

I go to take one from the other tun but get stopped once more,

"They're edibles." She mumbles and grabs a plastic box to put them in. "And they need to cool down."

"I don't care." I laugh and go to grab one again but she slaps my hand.

"Not yet." She gets angry and I smile at how cute she is.

I cup her chin and kiss her lips loving how soft they are and relishing the way she is. Her personality, her everything.

CarloHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin