Chapter 48

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I didn't have to wait long for Adelaide to fall asleep under me, she was pretty worn out and tired. But not me. When I tried to fall asleep I just couldn't.

I've been sat on the windowsill for an hour now just watching her sleep and smoking, my mind is running with different thoughts... all negative.

Was I good enough? I hope she doesn't think I used her. Does she want to speak to me when she wakes up? Will she think I'm like her dad?

Adelaide lets out a long sigh and rolls over onto her stomach, her face facing me. The blanket has fallen down to her waist and my hoodie is lifted a little so her stomach is shown. She has handprints on her waist from where I was holding her and hickeys painting her stomach.

Is she hurting? Did I hurt her?

Her hand falls out to the side and tries to grab something, her eyes snap open and she squints at the space beside her before finding me.

"mon coeur?"

She stretches and gets out of the bed walking towards me. When she gets to me she puts her arms out and I laugh whilst I pick her up and put her on my lap. She straddles me and turns her head on my chest so she's looking out of the window.

"What are you thinking?" She whispers.

"Nothing important." I tell her. Adelaide sits up straight and looks me in the eye.


You're right. I've never wondered how a girl feels after I had sex with them. But with you it's different.

"I don't regret it if that's what you're thinking." She says as if reading my thoughts.

"I didn't use you, you know?" I whisper, embarrassed by the words coming out of my mouth.

Adelaide looks shocked and immediately answers, "No! Absolutely not." She hugs me closely and I dig my head into her neck inhaling her comforting scent.

It's quiet for a minute until she giggles. "What?" I mumble against her neck.

I feel her light fingers stroke down my bare back and I wince a little at a certain part until it turns to a shiver when she glides her finger down a line and a few others. "Your back looks... decorative."

I shake my head and move back a little to see her neck. "So does your neck."

"Sleep now." She climbs off my lap and takes my hand in hers and leads me to the bed. I lay down and get under the covers, she lays next to me but I bring her to lay on my stomach.

She lifts her head up and rests them on her arms looking up at me. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Waiting for you to sleep." She strokes her fingers from the top of my head to the tip of my nose. "Sleep."

"You are not that mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy. You can't just touch my head and say "sleep"" I laugh.

She glares at me and I quickly pull her into me whilst closing my eyes. "I'll sleep now. Only if you tell me what mon cactus means?"

"Mon cactus?" She questions as I open my eyes. I raise my eyebrows at her and her mouth falls into an 'O' shape. "You mean mon coeur?"

"Yeah." I nod.

"It means my heart." She kisses my nose and lays her head on my chest.

She calls me her heart.

"Now go to sleep."

"Yes ma'am."



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