Chapter 74

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"Alessia." I whine dragging her name out for as long as I can.

She ignores me and carries on reading her book with her glasses perched on the end of her nose.

"Beautiful, stop ignoring me!" I kneel in front of her as I beg.

Alessia finally looks up at me angry. "Giovanni Knight. You bent the corner of my book!" She says emotionlessly.

Which is even more scary because now I can't determine anything.

"I had to make a phone call and I didn't want to lose my page." I justify.

She stares at me a little longer. "Alessia I'm sorry."

I wait for her to forgive me and stay kneeling in front of me. Eventually she smiles and shakes her head.

"You're so strange." She laughs as she stands up and places her book onto one of the shelves in the library.

"Are you coming to help me make dinner?" She questions walking out of the room.

I slowly get up off the floor and jog up to her side and wrap an arm around her shoulder pulling her close to me so I can kiss the top of her head.

Nicola comes running up to us.

"Nonna e nonno." He shouts. (Grandma and grandpa).

"Hey buddy." Alessia greets.

"Can I help make dinner?"

"Of course." Alessia takes his hand and walks away with me.

No way am I getting replaced by a child.

I walk up to them and hold her other hand, I ignore her rolling her eyes and wait until we get into the kitchen.

The two of them get to work with the chef and some of the maids. Whilst I sit at a small table taking phone calls and keeping an eye on Alessia.

My beautiful queen.


"Giovanni go get Tobias please." Alessia asks.

I look up from my food and look at the small table we are sat at. Nicola next to me and Alessia too, then Lexi next to Nicola and Ricardo in a high chair.

The only person missing, being Tobias.

"I can get him." Lexi almost shouts. That's the most she's said all day.

"Yeah you can go." I mutter and go back to eating.

Alessia raises her hand to Lexi to make her sit back down and she glares at me. I have the food on my fork wavering mid air before I put it down and stand up.

"Giovanni do this. Giovanni do that." I grumble as I walk out of the dining room.

Making my way up the stairs I go to Tobias's office.

"To-" I go to say as I nearly knock on the door only to be stopped by a certain name.

"Adelaide is going to be there. Just trust me."


I press my ear against the door and listen in on his conversation.

"You're going to have to be careful, Carlo hardly ever lets her out of his sight..... She's not a very smart girl, I'm sure she will just stand there..... No I don't think so..... Yes........ Once she's alone and you grab her, you're going to have to get her out of there fast.... Yes because of Carlo...... Yes...... okay bye."

Grabbing my gun from my belt I kick the door open and point the gun at him. Tobias is leaning on his hands in front of his desk.

He slowly turns around and looks at me scared. "Hi." I smile and tilt my head to the side. "Do you want to tell me what that was about?"

Tobias raises his hands in surrender, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"K." I smile and shoot him in the thigh. Tobias cripples to the floor holding his leg.

"Fuck!" He shouts in pain.

I walk up to him and grab a chair, "Do you need to sit down?" I ask helping him stand up.

"Giovanni, you can't kill me."

I push him into the chair and look for some rope in his draws. "And why is that?" I mumble as I find rope.

I tie him to the chair as he squirms in the chair. "Because if you kill me, they'll only kill her faster."

I lean against the desk as I look at him. "Okay then. I guess you could just tell me what is going on instead then." I shrug.

"I'm not telling you shit." He spits out.

"If I can't kill you." I push off the desk. "I'll just beat you to the brink of it." And with that I throw a punch to his nose, there's a loud crack and his nose starts gushing out with blood.

"Who were you on the phone to?" I shout. He stays quiet so I throw another punch.

"You'll be too late anyways." He laughs as he spits out blood.

There's a knock at the door and Alessia walks in with a gun to Lexi's head. "Tell him." She orders pushing Lexi to the floor.

Lexi looks up at Tobias with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry." She mumbles.

Tobias tries to get out of his chair when Alessia grips the back of Lexi's hair, bringing her up. "Tell him."

Lexi sobs. "The ball." She croaks out. "There's a guy who's going to take Adelaide."

"Wasn't so hard was it?" Alessia mocks slamming the back of the gun against Lexi's head, knocking her out.

"Lexi!" Tobias screams, shaking the chair to try and get out.

"Ring Carlo and make sure they don't go." I order Alessia, she gets her phone out and walks out of the room.

I start taking my suit jacket off and hang it up.

"Ready?" I ask Tobias whilst rolling my sleeves up.

Before he can say anything I punch him over and over again.

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