Chapter 40

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I quickly close the door just as quickly as I opened it. Adelaide turns around quickly and stares at me confused and full of relief.

She stands there still in a black lace bra and her drenched sweatpants that hang low so the top of her underwear shows above her hip bones. I lean my back against her door and look her up and down.

I hear her laugh and my eyes snap back up to her eyes. She turns around and grabs a towel and what looks like dry clothes.

When she turns back to face me I lock the door and walk up in front of her, her head cranes upwards as she stares up at me. My hands slither around her waist to her lower back and I pull her flush against me. "Amore. What are you doing?"

She scrunches her face up in confusion. "My clothes were wet and I'm cold so I'm going to go shower."

"Why didn't you lock the door?"

"I knew you were coming back." She shrugs. "You do normally knock."

She tries to step back but I keep her close to me, I lean down and press my lips to hers. I move one of my hands to her hip and with the other I move down to her ass and squeeze it gently. She gasps a little and I smile as I move my tongue into her mouth.

"Jump." I mumble against her lips as I put my hands under her thighs.

She does as I say and I carry her to the bed. I lay down with her on top of me. Adelaide moves away from my mouth with a smile on her face, she pecks my lips and tries to get off me.

I grab her and roll us over so I'm on top and start to kiss down her neck. I plant sloppy kisses all over her neck until I find her sweet spot where she tilts her head back on a moan.

Adelaide bucks her hips into mine. My head falls onto her shoulder as my breathing becomes more heavy. She pushes me off her with a laugh and walks over to the bathroom with clothes in her hand.

I roll onto my back and watch how her hips move when she walks. "Where are you going?" I huff and swot away one of my curls that fell into my face.

She turns around and smiles. "Shower." And closes the door.


"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you." I exclaim as I kiss Adelaide over and over again, she is a laughing mess under me as I stay on top of her.

After I got out of the shower myself Adelaide was trying to find a movie to watch, so I ran on top of her and kissed all over her face.

"Stop!" She squeals.

I lift my head up and smile down at her red face. She lets out a dramatic breath and starts laughing again.

I lean down and kiss her lips, I move one of my legs between hers so I have more stability as she smiles against my lips. "I love you." She whispers against my lips and I smile.

"ADELAIDE!" Someone screams as my bedroom door gets pounded on.

I roll my eyes and get up off her and unlock the door. A small child comes running into the room and runs up to her. That's when I realise it's Isabella.

"I've missed you." Bella hugs Adelaide tight.

Adelaide laughs and starts to tickle her, I go to close the door but it hits something hard and another child comes walking in holding its head.

"Get out Nicola." I demand with my arms crossed.

"Why?" He whines, dragging the word out, still rubbing his head.

"Um. Because this is my room and I don't like you." As soon as the words leave my mouth I realise how childish I sound.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and lock my bedroom door again. "If anyone wants to leave let me know so I can lock the door." I mumble and walk back over to Adelaide.

I smile and guide her down onto her back and prop a pillow under her head before laying in between her legs and placing my head on top of her boobs and wrapping my arms around her.

I turn my head to see Nicola staring at me and Adelaide, I smile at him pettily and look back at the TV screen.

Isabella puts a movie on and she starts to talk to Adelaide about random things like daisy chains and the day at the beach.

I slowly fall asleep to the sound of Adelaide's heart beat and her faint laugh.


Carlo falls asleep on my chest and I start to braid his hair as Izzy and Nicola laugh at the TV screen.

I don't have a clue what they are watching and it's kind of boring but hearing their laughter makes me smile.

"Are you going to marry him?"

I lift my head up from concentrating on Carlo's hair and see Nicola looking at me.

"They already got married." Izzy mutters not removing her eyes from the TV. "They had ring pops and they kissed and said their vows."

Nicola's jaw drops as he stares at me. He goes to say something but there's a knock at the door. Almost immediately Carlo jumps up from the bed with his eyes bloodshot from tiredness and half his head flat from braids whilst the other is in its messy state.

He walks to the door whilst we all watch him and he unlocks the door. He lets out an annoyed groan and opens the door more. "What?"

"Tobias and I are going out. Your mom said you and the girl should watch Ricardo whilst she watches the other two." Lexi's shrill voice sounds from the door followed by a baby's cry. "What happened to your hair?"

"What do you mean?" Carlo asks, confused.

"Never mind."

"Nicola go to Rose. Bella go to mom." Carlo orders as he takes the devil thing in his arms.

"Bye Adelaide" Izzy kisses me on the cheek followed by Nicola doing the same and they both run out of the room.

Carlo locks the door without another word to Lexi and the thing starts to cry loudly. There's a knock again at the door and Carlo swings the door open.

"WHAT NOW!" He shouts.

"Bag." Is all that is said.

"Thank you." He mumbles and locks the door again.

"Take him." Carlo hands me the crying gremlin.

"Him?" I question. "This thing is Quasimodo or that thing from the Goonies! Not a him, more of a thing." I hold it out at arms length as it continues to cry.

Carlo rolls his eyes and starts to walk towards the bathroom.

"Wait where are you going?"

He doesn't answer me and continues to close the door of the bathroom and lock it behind him. I hear him laugh and realise he's just left me with the animal.

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