Chapter 20

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I go to stretch but I'm restricted, I open my eyes slowly and I come face to face with a chest.

Scrunching up my face in confusion I lean my head back a little and look up a little to see a sleeping Adelaide, her arms wrapped around my head and my arms wrapped around her upper body.

The hood of my hoodie she is wearing is pulled down over her face so I can just about see her closed eyes.

"It's about time you woke up"

I lift my head up a little more since Adelaide's body is restricting my vision of the room. My mom is sitting on a different couch watching TV.

"What do you mean?" I cringe at how deep and raspy my morning voice is.

"It's one in the afternoon. And you're both on the comfy couch"

I chuckle and Adelaide starts to stir, making a whining noise. I stroke her back with my hand to calm her down and her eyes open up quickly.

"It's just me," I whisper.

Her grey eyes look into my green ones and she relaxes. She furrows her eyebrows and turns her head to look behind her.

She tries to move one of her arms but my head is on it, so she lifts her hand a little and waves at my mom. My mom waves back with a smile and Adelaide tries to sit up but I don't let her.

She tries a few times but gives up and turns to look at me again. I smile innocently at her and she huffs in annoyance.

She shuffles down a little and holds my head again, closing her eyes and playing with the small hairs at the back of my head.

I sigh in content and close my eyes at the feeling.

"You better not be falling asleep again" My mother speaks up again.

Adelaide laughs silently, her body shaking in my arms, I smile a little.

Adelaide rolls out of my arms and onto the floor making me start laughing. "Stupid floor" She picks herself up. "Stupid boy" She flicks my forehead before walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Brush my teeth. You should as well" She smiles at me cheekily.

I roll my eyes and she walks out.

"She told you?" my mom asks.

I nod my head and sit up, placing my elbows on my knees and holding my head in my hands.

"I'm going to hurt him really badly" I mutter.

"Let me help," She chuckles.

I look up at her and smile. "Where's Bella?"

"In Adelaide's room. She fell asleep in there waiting for you both to return. So I'm guessing when Adelaide went upstairs when we got back she left her in there to sleep"

I nod my head and stand up. "I'm going to get some work done" I kiss my mom's head and walk out going up to my room.

As I walk past Adelaide's door I hear the girls laughing about something and smile. I walk into my room and lay out a suit before walking to the bathroom to shower.


Today was a long day. Honestly I just wanted to sleep, I had to train some new men for the Mafia today and they are very annoying.

I open the front door and walk to the kitchen for food. The sight when I walk in, is my mom throwing flour at Adelaide and Bella cracking an egg onto mom's head.

They've all got flour over them and well now egg.

I raise my eyebrows and lean against the door frame watching what's going on with my arms crossed. Adelaide starts laughing hysterically as mom gasps.

"Ew" Mom shudders as she puts her hand in the egg on her head.

Bella screams and runs behind Adelaide. They both high five and try to run to the door but see me and laugh harder running in the other direction.

I push myself off the door frame and stand up straight. The two girls stop when they see Mom walking towards them with what looks to be a bowl of cake mix.

They go back to back, Adelaide looking at me and Bella looking at mom. Adelaide bites her lip as she tries to hide her smile and I chuckle.

"Not the cake mix!" Bella gasps.

Adelaide spins around and points an accusing finger at mom. "Don't think about it, Rose Knight. Do you know how long it took to measure the milk for that?!"

Mom stops and looks at her as if she's an idiot. "Well yes. Half of it is on the floor, because you thought you could pour it onto a spoon whilst at the fridge and walk over to the bowl" Mom deadpans.

"Your point?"

"The bowl is on the other side of the kitchen."

"Touché" Adelaide mutters.

Mom takes this distraction and tips the cake mix over Bella's and Adelaide's heads.

They both scream and I laugh. The girls glare at me whilst mom laughs holding her stomach.

Bella and Adelaide hold their fists up and bang them together twice.

I furrow my eyebrows as they turn away from me and try to ring the cake mix out of their hair. My mom walks up to me "They've been watching Friends all day. That's how they have been flipping people off today"

I shake my head and watch the girls whisper to each other as I walk over to the fridge to get a bottle of water. I feel something wet on my back, I look down in front of me as a pair of arms wrap around me.

I turn my head and look behind me to see Adelaide looking up at me with a smile on her face.

Turning around Adelaide loses her footing making her slip on the wet floor. She grabs my hand as she falls and I go with her. I prepare ourselves for the fall and put a hand on the back of her head and one on her waist so she doesn't get hurt.

Adelaide is a laughing mess under me and I laugh with her. I look up and Bella is laughing with tears in her eyes and mom is taking a picture.

"Oh my god" Adelaide says in between laughs.

I pick myself up and hold my hand out for her to take. She puts her hand in mine and I pull her up.

"You have a little something here" Adelaide says pointing to her own nose.

I go to wipe my nose but she gets there before me and wipes cake mix all over my face.

"Adelaide. Run" Bella shouts.

Adelaide nods her head in agreement and runs out of the kitchen as best as she can, slipping a little.

I run after her and chase her around the house and up the stairs. Adelaide runs around a corner and comes to a stop.

"Truce" She utters, out of breath.

I chuckle "Truce"

She nods her head tiredly and goes to walk past me. "Not really" I laugh and hug her close to me making all the mess that's on me go to her.

"You're getting it all over my face" She squeals.
I kiss her head and walk away to my room to shower.

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