Chapter 14

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I'm sitting in the car as I watch the rain start to fall more heavily. When I found out about Adelaide's mom being dead, it hurt me deeply.

So I made a quick promise to myself at that moment that I am going to be there for her.

She's a beautiful artist and I know she does it to let go of something. But I can't see what. Not yet at least.

I see the way my husband looks at her and it makes me feel sick. I want a divorce, I've wanted one for a long time.

But I know he will kill me before I can even ask for one. I can't do that to my kids.

I won't do that to my kids.

The rain gets heavier so I make my way back over to where Adelaide is. I see her laying down on her back crying.

I lift her up so she's standing "Cmon darling" I say softly, leading her to the car.

I sit her in the passenger seat and buckle her in before going to the driver's side. I start the car and put the heating on.

"Rose" Adelaide whispers, turning her head slowly to me, her eyes still closed. "I killed my mom" A sob ripples out of her and I look at her.

I don't say anything because I don't want to take advantage of this by asking questions.

"She killed herself" She points to herself "Because of me."

"I... Me.... Adelaide Amore Rivera. Killed her mom"

"She used to tell me to be strong, you know. Amore as my middle name so I knew she loved me and she would be close. A little of her strength came to me with the middle name. Or so I thought" Her voice cracks. "I wasn't strong. I couldn't fight back."

Adelaide goes quiet and turns her head to the window side with her eyes closed and her hands shaking "You- You need to get off me Santiago"

"Get off me!" She shouts, starting to cry again.

I pull over to the side of the road and place my hand on hers "Adelaide it's just me. Rose. It's you and me okay. You're safe" I whisper, feeling tears fall down my cheeks.

Her head turns to me "He raped me mom" She sobs, with her eyes open a little before closing again. "I wasn't strong like you told me to be. I tried to fight back. I really tried" Her crying gets worse and I pull her into a hug.

She falls limp and her crying stops. I pull her forward and realise she's blacked out. I put her head back and start to drive whilst crying.

This poor girl has gone through a lot.

I pull into the driveway and shake her shoulder softly. "Adelaide. Wake up hunny, we're back at the house"

Her eyes slowly open half way. "Why- Why are you crying?" Her finger pokes my face.

"I'm not" I sniff, trying to compose myself "Cmon drink some water please" I pass her a water bottle.

She takes it and guzzles half of the bottle.

I get out of the car and walk over to her door. As I open it the bottle of water falls out of her hand onto the floor.

I help her out and walk inside the house and up the stairs. She trips a little and stops walking "Adelaide, take a step please"

She takes a step and we end up at the top of stairs with her head on my shoulder and her arm wrapped around me.

I walk her to her room and lay her down in the bed, her eyes open slightly before closing again and I stroke her hair out of her face.

More tears fall down her face and she cries quietly as I take her shoes off. "I'm sorry." She whispers till crying.

"Don't apologise." I whisper.

"Is she okay?"

I jump and turn to see Carlo. "Yeah. She's fine"

I tuck Adelaide in and stroke her hair, softly pressing a kiss to her forehead when she's calmed down.

Standing up I push more of her hair out of her face and walk towards Carlo.

"Have you been crying?" Carlo asks, his tone of voice becoming angry.

"No. It's been raining. We went for a walk" I lie.

I walk to the door and close it carefully and quietly.

"Leave her to sleep" I kiss his cheek "Goodnight"

I walk away and go into Isabella's to make sure she's okay.

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