(Chapter 61) The Tourney of Fall

Start from the beginning

The boulder launched at the boy. He destroyed it in the air with his magic, but while he did Pecilia shot light magic at his chest. A trick she had learned from her sisters.

Leroy fell to his back as all the air left his lungs. Pecilia stood over him. He looked to be in pain, but even greater euphoria. His lasciviousness eyes met hers and she cringed as she made a sizable boulder, and promptly dropped it on his head. Even unconscious he had a smile on his face and the only thing that remained awake and ready for action was the lower part of him tenting his pants. She would have dropped a boulder on that too if she didn't think he'd enjoy it so much. Though Pecilia didn't fault him for such perversions. In the world she had grown up in, that was not close to the worst of the things she had seen or heard. And at least he was aware of his fetishes and the consequences of it fell on him to bear. If there was one thing she couldn't stand it was the cretins who dragged someone else into their perverted desire without thinking about the other's wants or safety. Like an innocent doe-eyed girl who wasn't even aware of the twisted idiotic fantasies of one sad little cold boy.

A loud moaning groan came from the ground, and Pecilia turned to look at Wilham.

"Pecilia," Wilham said, with his hand over his heart taking long labored breaths like he was dying. "Tell them," He took a dramatic pause and looked at her with drooping eyes. "Tell them I fought valiantly." Wilham took off his pendant and held it out in her direction as if it was his final act of heroism before death.

"No," Pecilia said, but took the necklace.

"So cruel," Wilham drawled, as he pretended to die.

Pecilia walked away with two more necklaces and even less faith in the male population.

Lucy was hit in her back before she even knew she was in a fight.

"How fortunate," Minsley snidely piped, as she watched Lucy get up from the ground. "It looks like I'll have an easy first win."

Lucy didn't usually lose her temper from the insults but paired with the physical attack it pushed her over her limits for the day. Which manifested in a huge surge of light magic thrown at the girl. Minsley wide brown eyes reflected the attack just as it landed and her snide smile blew away. Lucy bit her cheeks in concern. She never wanted to lower to their level and hurting the girl even in the circumstances didn't sit very well with her.

She went forward to check on Minsley but someone made it to her first, and calmly reached down to take off her necklace.

"It seems you can take better care of yourself than people would assume," A boy said, smiling as his thumb rubbed over the pendant eye.

Lucy looked at the prize he stole from her and the boy followed her gaze.

"Don't worry I'm not here to take your winnings," He grinned, tossing the necklace over. Lucy looked away for only a second to catch it mid air and as soon as the chain hit her open palms the boy suddenly appeared right besides her to speak discreetly into her ear. "It's not like that holds any significance in this game anyways."

Lucy jumped back. So frightened by his speed that she didn't even think to mind his ominous words.

The boy smirked as he analyzed her wide innocent eyes and soft features. He could understand why some people found it appealing, in many more ways than just pretty. "Try to stay in the game," Luke said, "I want to test some theories of mine."

Lucy was about to ask what that also meant when a blast of magic from the boy's feet sent him disappearing into the sky. As his silhouette faded into the sunlight Lucy wasn't sure but she thought she saw wings around him.

Algernon BlackWhere stories live. Discover now