Labor and Meeting Athena

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Ginny came through the floo with Madam Pomfrey and some of Hermione's pack. Before I forget Hermione has turned in the divorce paper and has full custody of Athena.

"How far apart are the contraction?" Madam Pomfrey ask

"I've been counting them and there coming fast. Every 5 minutes." Hermione said 

"Ok. Let's get you changed." Madam Pomfrey said 

"Paul can you stay?" Hermione ask

"Yes but who tell everyone?" Paul ask

"I will." Ginny and Luna said

"Ok." Paul said 

"Wait right here while I get her changed." Madam Pomfrey said

After Madam Pomfrey finish getting into something more comfortable. She allows Paul to come in.

With Ginny and Luna

"Jared where is everyone." Luna said

"Some are out on portal and some are having dinner and Paul should be on portal why." Jared said

"Hermione is in labor and Paul is with her." Ginny said as she ran into the house.

Everyone looked at her shocked.

"Hermione's in labor Paul is with her." Ginny said

"Seth go take Paul place. Let's go." Sam said

Seth then leave's to take Paul's  place. When the get there they here screaming.

"Is she ok?" Sam ask

"She's fine it's painful for a woman to give birth." Ginny said

"You talk like you know what it feels like." Jared said

"I do have a child." Ginny said

Out on patrol

"Seth what are you doing and where's Paul." Jacob said

"I'm taking Paul place for tonight." Seth said

"Why?" Jacob ask

"I don't know." Seth said

As Embry eyes widen.

"Let's get the portal over with."

Back with Hermione and Paul

"REMIND ME TO KILL JACOB." Hermione yelled

"Everything's going to be ok." Paul said

"SHUT UP." Hermione yelled

"Common one more push." Madam Pomfrey

"I can't." Hermione said

"Yes you can." Paul said

"Shut Up." Hermione said

"Ok." Paul said.

Hermione gave on last push. Once the baby is checked over and clean. Hermione use magic to sum baby clothes and she put's them on her.

"Do you have a name." Madam Pomfrey ask.

"Athena Lyra Rose Swan. Help me downstairs." Hermione said

"Sure." Paul said

When they get downstairs.

"Say hey to my daughter  and newest pack member Athena Lyra Rose Swan." Hermione said

They all said can I hold her all at once.

"First Billy then the rest of you can." Hermione said as she pass Athena to Billy

"She's beautiful just like her mother." Billy said

"Thank you." Hermione said 

"Me next." Sam said

Then Billy passed Athena to Sam.

"I love her onesies." Sam said 

"By the way women are stronger then men." Jared said

"Your smart." Hermione and Ginny said at the same time

After everyone got to hold. Then the stayed up talk about Athena. Just then Jacob, Seth, and Embry walks in. Embry walk over to Hermione.

"Can I hold her." Embry ask

"Yes." Hermione said as she handed Athena to Embry

"Why didn't you tell me. Better yet why have excluded me out of everything." Jacob said

"Because I got full custody of her." Hermione said.

"Anyway you are the one that said you didn't want anything to do with Athena." Sam said

After Embry and Seth hold Athena the hand her back to Hermione. 

"Would you like to hold her. Don't take me asking you to hold her is forgiveness." Hermione said

"Yes." Jacob said

Hermione hands Athena to Jacob. After a while everyone goes back home.

Athena onesies 

Athena onesies 

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