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When Paul, Jared, Sam, Bella, Jacob, and Hermione get there
Paul, Jared, Sam, and Bella goes and sit down.

"Tell them I'll be right back I'm going to go put this stuff away." Hermione said.

"Ok." Jacob said.

Jacob heads over to to the fire and sits down beside Billy.

"Jacob where's Hermione?" Billy asked.

Just as Jacob is about to answer.

"I'm right here in had to put my clothes away. Me and Bella went shopping." Hermione said. As she sat on Jacob lap

"Congratulations Jacob and Hermione." Sue said.

"Thank you Sue." Hermione said.

"Ok who wants to hear Hermione sing." Bella said.

Everyone shouted yes.

"Ok. But only if Jacob sings to." Hermione said.

"Ok fine." Jacob said.

Hermione sings

Everyone claps

"What song should I sing next." Hermione.

"What about the duet you was writing this morning." Jacob said.

"Ok." Hermione said.

Jacob and Hermione sings

"Sing more. I miss hearing you sing." Sam said.

"Ok." Jacob said.

Jacob and Hermione sings

Hermione sings

Jacob and Hermione sing

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