Seeing Jacob

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When Hermione gets there Paul, Jared and Sam sees her. Hermione mouth to them be quite. Hermione walk up behind Jacob and jumped on his back and said " When did my imprint get so hot?"

Everyone was laughing at what I said.When I got off Jacob back he turned around and saw me he picked me up and hugged me and said "When did you get here? Why are you here? Wait did you say imprint? Who is you imprint?

"Are going to shut up so I can speak." Hermione asked.

"Yes sorry." Jacob said.

"Well I got here today 2 hours ago to be expect. I would of been her sooner but daddy told me about Bellas boyfriend. So I went there and threaten him and confused them all by telling them I knew their names I knew what they was." Hermione said.

Everyone burst out laughing because when I confuse people it ends up being the funniest thing ever.

"I'm moving back home for good that's what I'm doing here."

Every burst out with cheer that I was moving back home.

"And who is your imprint on. It is you. And also you will want to know when. Well I was 14. Reason why I didn't tell was because I stepped back since you was so in love with Bella. But everyone else knew only you didn't." Hermione said.

Jacob just stood there shocked.

"It's about time you told him." Sam said

"Finally this calls for a celebration." Jared said.

"Umm if you haven't notice Jacob still hasn't said anything." Paul said.

Jacob snaps out of his shock and said "Walk with me."

"Ok." Hermione said.

They went to walk on the beach.

"I wish you would of told me that I was your imprint when you found out. Before you ask why. Well I've been in love with you since I was 14." Jacob said.

"But I thought you was in love with Bella?" Hermione said.

"I was but Bella got together with Edward. Now Bella wants to be changed to a vampire. Bella is not the Bella I once knew." Jacob said.

"Wow ok I didn't know that but I'm going to say something to her." Hermione said.

" What made you want to tell me? And can I be there when you say something to her." Jacob asked.

"Well the war of coruse. It taught me that life is to short. And yes you can be there." Hermione said.

They walked on the beach and was catching up when Hermiones phone started to ring. Hermione saw it was Bella and answered the phone and put it one speaker. So Jacob could hear Bella to.

"What's up Bells?" Hermione asked.

"Are you coming back by here?" Bella asked

"No I wasn't planning on it. Why?" Hermione ask.

"Because the Cullens have some questions they need to ask you." Bella said.

"Ok. I guess I can come back by there. Anything else?" Hermione asked.

"No bye." Bella said.

"Bye." Hermione said as she hung up.

"So your going back by there?" Jacob said.

" Yea and your coming with me."
Hermione said.

"Ok." Jacob said.

When they get back to the reservation Hermione tells them that there going to the Cullens because that have questions for her. Jacob is coming with me because I told him to and he said yes.

"Ok well call if you need anything."

"Ok." Jacob and Hermione said at the same time.

Instead of running to the Cullens the transform into there wolf form. And run to the Cullens. They then transformed back to their human for.

(I know when a wolf transform the rip their clothes but pretend that we the transform their clothes doesn't rip so the still have clothes on."

Hermiones wolf

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Hermiones wolf

Hermiones wolf

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Jacob wolf

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