Talking about War

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In this chapter Hermione will be talking about the war. Hermione is going to show them each year. How she is going to show them is throw a pensieve. I got some of my ideas from a story called Save Me My Wolf by maisey2k10

Jasper and Hermione walk inside. Hermione goes and sits next to Jacob. Hermione takes a deep breath and lets it out before she starts.

"Ok you want know what happened in the war?" Hermione asked.

A chorus of yes comes around the room.

Hermione opens her bead bag and pulls out her personal pensieve. Then she puts her memories in it.

"Come on if you want to see my memories of the war." Hermione said.

Memories of Year 1
They see me getting sorted into Gryffindor. They saw me getting attacked by a troll. They saw Harry, Ron, and me sneak out. They saw us sneak pass a three head dog. They saw us get stuck in devil's snare. The saw us with the flying keys. They saw us playing a life size wizard chess.

Memories of Year 2
They saw Hermione getting called a mudblood. They saw Hermione making prodigy potions. They saw Hermione being petrified.

Memories of Year 3
They saw all the dementor attack.  They saw Hermione punch Draco. They saw harry comment saying "remind me no to get on your bad side. They saw Hermione saying he's a werewolf and being called the brightest witch of her age. They saw the confession of Peter Pettigrew. They saw Remus transform into a werewolf. They saw Harry and Hermione set Sirius free.

They pulled out a minute.

"I'm going give you a minute."

In the fourth year Harry was in the triwizard tournament but instead Hermione is going to be in the triwizard tournament in her fourth year. She going to sing a song to calm the dragon down so she can get the egg.

Memories of year 4
They see Hermiones name being pulled out of the cup. The see her sing a song to the dragon. (Homecoming Queen) They see how shock everyone was when the dragon calmed down. They see Hermione swimming in the water and saving her friends. They see the final task. They see Cedric get killed. They see Voldemort come back to life. They saw the Yule Ball. They see a battle between Voldemort and Hermione at the grave yard.

Song Hermione sings

Memories of year 5
They see Hermione getting torture by the quills while writing (I most learn my place.) They see Dumbledores Army. They saw Hermione lead Dolores Umbridge to the centres. They saw the Department of Ministry battle. They see Hermione almost die.

Memories of Year 6
They saw the Christmas party. They saw Dumbledore being killed. They saw Hermione running after snape.

Memories of year 7 aka on the run
They saw the fight in the coffee shop. The saw Harry Ron and Hermione knock out 3 people that work in the Ministry and use prodigy potion to turn into them. The saw the fights. They saw them being captured. They saw Hermione being torture amd carved into and threaten with rape for information for 10 hours straight before she got rescue. They saw her getting rescue. They saw them brake into Gringotts bank.

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