Divorce and Full Custody

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The next day Hermione goes to meet a divorce lawyer and file full custody. Paul goes with her just incase something happens. I'm going to make up lawyer names.

"Thanks for coming you didn't half to come." Hermione said

"My name Steven William I'll be your lawyer. Can you tell me why you want to get a divorce." Mr. William said

"We're not together but I want to get a divorce and full custody of our unborn child." Hermione said

"Why would you come here with someone else." Mr. William ask

"He came to make sure nothing happens to me. My husband said some pretty harsh thing to me and about the baby." Hermione said

"I can give you a lawyer about getting full custody." Mr. William said

"Ok think you." Hermione said

He then pulls out.

"All you half to do is sign these and so will you husband bring them back to me and you will be divorce and here a lawyer for getting full custody." Mr. William said

"Thank you." Hermione said as she finish signing the papers.

"Here are the paper that your husband will half to sign." Mr. William said.

Then they leave to go file for full custody. When the get there they ask for Lexi Ensley.

"Right down his way."

They enter her office.

"What can I help you with?" Miss. Ensley ask

"I would like to get full custody of my unborn child. It's a long story." Hermione said

"It is trust me but I'll tell you but only if she's ok with it." Paul said

"Of course it's ok with me Paul." Hermione said

Paul then explains everything  from the very beginning.

"Well you have been through a lot." Miss. Ensley said

"Yes is it possible for me to get full custody?" Hermione said

"Of course it is. We can start the paper would right now." Miss Ensley said

Then Hermione fills out all the paper work for her to get full custody.

"Thank you." Hermione said 

"No problem can you stay." Miss. Ensley said

"Sure I'll be out in a minute." Hermione said

Then Paul leaves.

"I wanted to tell that Paul is in love you." Miss. Ensley said

"Really?" Hermione ask

"Yes and I can tell you like him to." Miss. Ensley said

"I do. Thank for tell me." Hermione said

"Your welcome have a good day." Miss. said as Hermione walked out

When they get back Hermione talks to Billy about the house on the beach. He told her that she buy it but it needs a lot  of repairs.

"I can take care of it." Hermione said

"I don't doubt that." Billy said 

"Well you know where to find me if you need me." Hermione said

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