The Start of a New Relationship

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As Hermione and Paul leave Hermione collapsed to the ground and screams in pain. Everyone is by her side in a matter of seconds. Carlisle checks her over once again.

"You lost one of the babies." Carlisle said

"Ok." Hermione said

When Hermione looked at Bella.

"I hate you." Hermione said

"Paul. Take her home." Sam said

Takes Hermione home when the get there it was dark out and they was having a bonfire.

"Hermione set down." Billy said

"Thank you." Hermione said

"You sure your ok." Paul ask

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Hermione ask

"Well you and Jacob just got into the biggest fight I've ever seen and you lost one of the babies." Paul said

"What was the fight about?" Sue ask

"Nothing really." Hermione said

"Nothing he betrayed you he told the Cullen's your plan. He yelled he could careless what happened to you. How he lied and said you wasn't his imprint he only said that to make Bella Jealous." Paul said

"I'm fine I've been treated a lot worse before so I'm use to it by now and Billy do you mid if i buy that house down on the beach?" Hermione said

"No not at all we can get the paper work in order tomorrow. Wow i didnt think my son would say something like that?" Billy said

Everyone is shock by what they just heard.

Back at the Cullen's

"Well what are we waiting for let attack." Sam said

"I knew I like you for some reason." Joy said

"Thanks I think." Sam said

Then everyone phrased. Leah and Seth also betrayed them like in the movie.

From there everything went down. Jacob trying to defend the Cullen but he lost. Sam and Embry took out Carlisle and Esme. Ginny and Jared took down Bella and Edward. Joy, Lily, and Zoey  took down Leah. Juliet, Rose, and Hailey took down Seth. Luna and Daisy took down Rosalie and Emmett. Fred  and Alexis took down Jasper. Gorge and Skyler took down Alice. Liv, Eve, and Harry took down Jacob. 

So Carlisle, Esme, Bella, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper all died that night. Leah, Seth, and Jacob got some injuries.

Then they all went back to the tribe. When the all got there Hermione's pack hugged her. 

"I'm sorry for the things I said." Jacob said

"Your sorry that was uncalled for." Paul said

"Enough Paul. I got this." Hermione said

"Ok" Paul said

"This is going to be funny." Ginny and Harry said at the same time

"Yes it but not going to end well." Luna and Gorge said at the same time

"Sorry." Jacob Leah and Seth said

"Sorry is that all you have to say." Hermione said.

"Yes." Jacob said

"Well I don't care so we are going to get a divorce. I'm also filing for full custody of the children.  I'm moving out of asap." Hermione said

"You can't do that. He is the father." Leah said

"Yes he is. I can do that if I want to. He is the one that did say he could careless if anything happened to me." Hermione said

"Is what she saying true Jacob?" Billy ask

"Yes it's true." Jacob said

"I'm so sorry for what my son has said to you." Billy said

"You shouldn't be apologizing . It's not your fault. " Hermione said

"Really dad your taking her said." Jacob said

"Yes I am after the things you said to her. I'll be surprise if she let's any of us into the child life." Billy said

"Of course your going to be in her life. Why wouldn't you. I'm not going to blame you for something that wasn't your fault. It was Jacob not yours." Hermione said.

"Let's get you some sleep you've had a long day. If you want you could stay at my place tonight in our guess room." Paul said 

"Thanks Paul." Hermione said

"No problem let's get you to bed. You need your rest." Paul said

"Ok." Hermione said

Then the all go to bed.

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