Betrayed/ I'm Pregnant

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A couple of days later. Sam gives the order to kill Bella. It's 11:00 at night.

"That thing needs to be killed." Sam said.

"What kill Bella." Jacob said.

"We have got to protect the people of our tribe. And you will fight with us." Sam said.

"No I want. I want help you kill my wife's sister. We protect humans not kill them. And exactly what do you plan on telling Hermione. She doesn't even know Bella is pregnant." Jacob said.

"The truth." Sam said.

"Yea lets tell her the only reason we're killing Bella is because she's pregant. Yea that's so not going to piss her off." Jacob said sarcastically and then left.

Thirty minutes later the pack is at Billy.

"Jacob betrayed us." Sam said.

"What are we going to do?" Paul said.

"Jacob is to not come back." Sam said.

"I know he betrayed you but try to look at at his point of view. Bella is Hermione sister. And Jacob has told me that Hermione doesn't know about Bella being pregnant. She didn't even know Bella was back until Jacob told her." Billy said.

They hear Hermione running to the bathroom and throwing up. They run check on her.

"Hermione are you ok?" Sam asked.

"Does it look like I'm ok." Hermione said.

"Sorry stupid question." Sam said.

"Yea out. I'll be out in just a minute. Go wait in the kitchen." Hermione said.

They wait in the kitchen as they was told. Hermione then goes to their room picks up her wand and waves it over her stomach. Hermione was shocked. She left their room and went to the kitchen. (Hermione and Jacob room)

"You sick?" Paul asked

"No I'm just pregnant." Hermione said.

"Congratulations." Everyone said.

"Thank you. Where is Jacob I have to tell him and why are you all here at 11:30 pm?" Hermione asked.

"Well I gave a order and Jacob didn't agree. So he left. He said he wasn't going to fight with us then he ran off." Sam said.

"Where is he?" Hermione ask.

"He's at the Cullens" Sam said.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"At the Cullens. " Sam said.

"Thank you I heard you the first time. I'm going there now to find out what is going on." Hermione said.

"Take someone with you." Sam said.

"No." Hermione said.

"Yes." Sam said.

"No I can take care of myself." Hermione asked.

"Fine." Sam said.

"Ok I'll back." Hermione said.

Hermione leaves to get her wand. When she comes back.

"See you later." Hermione said.

"Don't you want to change? I mean you are in your pajama." Sam asked.

"No I'm fine." Hermione said.

Hermione apperate to the Cullens. And knocks on the door.

"I'll get it." Emmett said.

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