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Jacob and Hermione are walking on the beach. When Jacob gets down on one knee. Hermiones ring is above.

"I love you with all my heart. I want to wake up next to you everyday. I want to have kids with you I know what the doctor said about you having kids but we can always adopt. I know we haven't been dating for long but your the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. So Hermione Swan will you marry me." Jacob said.

"Yes I'll marry you." Hermione said as she pulled Jacob in to a kiss.

"Should we go and tell everyone the good news?" Jacob asked as he put the ring on her finger.

"Yes we should." Hermione said.

The leave the beach to tell everyone the good news. When they get there the walk up to the pack and Charlie.

"We have some good news." Jacob said.

"And what is that?" Charlie asked.

"We're getting married." Hermione said.

"Great now both of my girls are getting married. Bella in 3 months and when's your wedding date." Charlie said.

"Yep wait did you just say Bella is getting married in 3 monthes?  Going to be in 4 monthes considering I've had my wedding planned since I was little." Hermione asked.

"Yes you didn't know? Ok ill save that date just let me know." Charlie asked.

"The dates going to be September 10th. No we haven't been talking to each other lately." Hermione said.

"You should go talk to her. I know she really misses you." Charlie asked.

"Fine. Where is she?" Hermione asked.

"The Cullens." Charlie said.

"Ok." Hermione said.

Hermione leaves to go to the Cullens. When she get's there she knocks on the door.

"Hermione what are you doing here?" Edward asked.

"That's not a very nice way to say hello to your soon to be sister in law. But if you must know dad sent me and I got some good news." Hermione said.

"Sorry please come in." Edward said.

"It's fine I understand with everything that happened with Bella and me." Hermione said as she walk in the house.

"Bella you have a visitor." Edward said.

"Who?" Bella said.

"Bella." Hermione said.

"Hermione what are you doing here?" Bella asked.

"We'll leave you to talk alone." Carlisle said.

"No its fine I got some good news." Hermione said.

"Dad sent me and said you miss me. But I have some good news. And a question for you." Hermione said.

"Well what is it?" Bella asked.

"Well I'm getting married. And before you ask when he asked me. He asked me today. And have you already got your wedding dress." Hermione said.

"I do miss you. And Congratulations getting engaged and no I haven't. And can I see the ring." Bella said.

"I'm sorry Hermione for everything. I shouldn't have blamed you for everything. The war you went through. And for dating Jacob. You did what you had to to stay alive." Bella said.

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