Back to the Cullens and questions

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After they transform back into their human form they walk up the steps and knock on the door. This time Jasper answers it. He lets them in.

"Please come in and sit down." Jasper said.

"Ok." Hermione said.

"We have a few questions." Carlisle said.

"Ok lets hear them." Hermione said.

"Who are you and what are you?" Jasper asked.

"Well I'm Hermione Swan but at my school I went by the name Hermione Granger." Hermione said.

"Wait Hermione Granger aka Warrior Princess or Warrior Witch. Most fear person? That fought in the Wizarding Battle?" Jasper asked.

"That's the truth. Even she scares me sometime." Jacob said.

"Yea that's me but thanks a lot Bella didn't know about the war. She knows I'm a witch. But what she don't know is I'm a wolfblood and about the war. I'll take that as a compliment Jacob." Hermione said.

"I'm glad I didn't challenge you." Jasper said.

"That just means your smart. Next question." Hermione said.

"What are you doing here? Why are you here? Why are you moving back home?" Edward asked.

"I thought I answered that the first time I came here. I said I'm moving back home. Why I'm here is to threaten you like I did earlier. And why I'm moving back home well that is my own personal reason." Hermione said.

"Why won't you tell us the reasons why your moving back home?" Bella asked.

"She doesn't half to answer it if she don't want to." Jacob said.

"You know don't you?" Edward asked Jacob.

"Yes I know she tells me everything. But I'm guessing considering what Hermione told you that you know Jasper" Jacob said.

"Yes I have a idea it's memories of the war." Jasper asked.

"Yes it is. Next question." Hermione said.

"Why didn't Bella tell us about you being her sister?" Carlisle asked.

"That I don't know you will have to ask her that. Next question." Hermione said.

"Why did you bring a dog with you?" Rosalie asked.

"Not that its any of your business but he's my boyfriend." Hermione said.

"Why do you hate us?" Esma asked.

"That's my business." Hermione said.

"You know why she's hate us." Esma asked.

"Yes. And she has her reasons. She hates you more then the pack does. And she doesn't hate you she hates your kind." Jacob said.

"If you hate our kind then why come back here? And what have you not killed us yet? How long has the war been over?" Alice asked.

"Because she's my sister and I haven't killed you yet because Bella is dating Edward and because of the treaty. The has been over for a week.Next question." Hermione said.

"Can you tell us about the war you fought in." Emmet said.

"No." Hermione said.

"Why?" Emmet asked.

"Because I said so." Hermione said.

"Why won't you talk about the war? Why didn't you tell me?" Bella asked.

"Just back the hell off." Hermione said as she walked out.

"I'll go talk to her considering I can understand her better then anyone in this room." Jasper said as he left to find Hermione.

With Hermione and Jasper

Hermione is walking in the woods when she hear something behind her when she spends around ready to fight she see Jasper.

"You have quick relixs even for a human." Jasper said.

"Yea well war does that to someone. Just like war changes you." Hermione said.

"Yes it does. How are you coping?" Jasper said.

"Truthfully I'm not. The war has been over for a week. I still have the dreams. I can't talk about the war because truthfully no one will understand. Sure Jacob understands me. But he wouldn't understand it even if I told him. I can't say killing was right because it wasn't. I can't talk about the war or I start to panic or freak out. Does it ever get easier." Hermione said.

"I'm not going to lie to you. The memories will still be there but in time you will learn how to push the bad memories back and make new ones. And if you want to talk about it you can. I'll be there if you panic or freak out I can send a wave of calm to you." Jasper said.

"Ok I will. Anyway I have a couple of things to say to Bella." Hermione said.

"Ok lets go everyone is worrying about you." Jasper said.

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