"Bella what are you talking about," Leo eyes squinted as he tried to read me, although it would be quite impossible at this moment. I walked over to the dresser where I put my hand by the knifes as I tried to study them. Both Antonio and Leo moved away from the doorway and stood themselves behind me.

"Who was the one who wanted me to stay in the room?" I asked, when neither of the answered I pushed past them and started going downstairs. This time taking the stairs leading directly to the living room. The first thing I noticed was Alessia who still had her head down and her hands in her lap.

"What one of you other than Vince wants me dead."

Everyone looked at me with confusion on there face, I repeated myself, "What one of you put two men in my room to try and kidnap me, and possibly kill me."

Alessia brought her face up as tears started rolling down, she looked so sad, broken. It looked like an entire battle to even get herself to look at me in the eyes, "Im so sorry," She whispered as more tears rolled down her face. For what felt like the millionth time in my entire life I felt betrayed by someone I trusted.

Im starting to think that im the problem, that im giving out the gift of trust far to easily. Im giving it out to the people who would just laugh and joke when they dropped a plate on the ground and watch it shatter.

Im not giving it out to the people who quickly go and clean it up to lot risk any injuries. I don't know if I have really met the second kind of person yet, well other than my mother. She would start picking up the shattered glass with her bare hand just to get the area safe as fast as possible.

I opened my moth to try and reply, there was so many things I wanted to say but my voice betrayed me. Now I just stood there at the bottom of the stairway staring at her as everyone else watched. Vince problem found this just so amusing, this was probably his plan.

"Im so sorry," She repeated, I turned away to walk out of the room. I wasn't sure where I was going to go but the only way that I could go with the way I turned led me out the front door. My plan was stoped when a pair of arms wrapped around me, and I looked at to see Dante. I hadn't seen him when I first entered the room but I also didn't really notice anyone.

"Don't go out there right now, its not safe," He whispered.

"Oh like you would give a shit," I gritted out as I struggled to get out of his grip.

"Bella!" Metteo yelled, probably to scold me on my choice of words.

"See here she is, disrespecting our family, causing our family problems. Life was just perfect when she was living with her dad. We never had to worry about her, or her broken little self," Vince snarled, "You know, everyday I wish that it was you that died instead of Josh. Believe it or not I knew the guy, and I knew you. He would just talk about how much of a brat you were. How you cared about no one but yourself and I get it, he was right."

Right when Vince finished his mini speech he had to been preparing this entire day, Angelo had connected his fist to Vince's face. Instantly making blood pool out of his nose.

"So you really just let her suffer as you knew how much my kids were effected. You could have brought her back to them and you didn't?" Angelo hissed, venom dripping from his voice, "You are an awful person, letting child abuse go like it no big fucking deal," He pushed Vince against the wall, making his body fall to the ground on impact.

Dante hadn't loosened his grip on me, tightening it for that matter. Then I saw it, Vince pulled out a gun and aimed it right at Angelo, "You know brother I really though you would actually be on my side for once."

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