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Welcome! Enjoy!🌹

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"Eshaal wake up." Haadia ordered her younger sister and pulled the blanket away from her body.

"Why so early Aapi?" She frowned and pulled her blanket back. At this point, Haadia was done with her younger sister. She always speaks once and if someone doesn't follow her words then she doesn't request them again and again.

"Fine...and don't you dare to blame me that I didn't wake you up for Fajir." Haadia exclaimed with frustration and anger.

"I won't." Eshaal mumbled in her sleep and went into her dreamland.

Haadia offered her prayer and went to make tea because she can't start her day without it. After having it she went to the garden to take some fresh air and to stare at the beautiful yet calm surrounding.

Her garden only consist of Rose flower because she liked them the most...and more than that rose describes her personality in the best way.

She is as gorgeous as a Rose but at the same time, one who craves for Rose should be aware of the thorn. She was the Thorn!

She minds her own business and nobody dares to mess up with her because she has got anger issues. But she has her own reasons for that...her past, her family were the reasons.


"ZAVI I WON'T SPARE YOU." Amaan shouted his lungs out.

"You should be thankful...I solved your problem." Zaviyaar tried to console his best friend who was going to burst out anytime soon.

"You are a jerk! Why the hell you texted Anaya?"

"Because from past few months you were continuously eating my brain by saying that you like her and you want to confess but you are afraid of your sake I wrote a love letter and send it to her."

Zaviyaar said proudly flipping his imaginary hair and here Amaan wants to chop him into pieces.

"BUT WHY DID YOU WRITE YOUR NAME IN THE LAST? It should be my name because I love her not you idiot."

That moment Zaviyaar understood that he messed up. He hold his head with both of his hand and fell back on the bed pretending to be dead.

"Enough drama Zavi, now get up." Amaan ordered him trying his best to control his nerves.

"I am so sorry brother. I wrote that letter with pure love and affection and maybe that's why I went too deep into it forgetting that it's your letter not mine. But that's actually funny right?" With that he started giggling.

"That's not funny. What if she takes it seriously and accept your proposal?"

Before Zaviyaar could answer him a message notification popped up in his phone. He took it and opened it.

"It's an unknown no." Zaviyaar said being confused.

"What's the message?"

Zaviyaar red it and his eyes widened. He looked up to see Amaan and a smile appeared on his face.

"Now don't make these weird faces and just tell already."

Zaviyaar showed him the message and the phone almost fell down from Amaan's hand. He was so happy.

"Dude...I didn't expect this." Amaan exclaimed with immense happiness.

"Thank me is me who made this miracle happened." A proud smile captured Zaviyaar's face again.

The message:-

Hey Zavi! It's me, Anaya. Actually I red your letter. It was so pure but I can't accept your proposal. I am very sorry. I already love someone else. Honestly, I felt weird when you send that letter through Amaan's no. I really don't know why you did that and I could have replied you then and there only but I thought I should give you my reason for denying this proposal. As I have already said that I love someone else...and that certain someone is none other than your best friend, Amaan. I am going to confess him on his birthday. Please don't let him know this...and do understand. Sorry once again.

"Zavi, my brother, my life you are an angel." Amaan said hugging Zaviyaar tightly.

"OH! So now I am an angel. Few minutes back I was a jerk, an idiot and now your perspective about me changed so fast. Love changes people really fast." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah...whatever."

"So I should take my leave now. Meet you tomorrow." Zaviyaar said zipping his jacket and moving towards the main door.

"It's already midnight. You can leave tomorrow morning." Amaan advised making him stop at his track. He looked back at Amaan and with a smirk he said..."I bet you shouldn't have said these words if Anaya hadn't messaged."

He then bid byes and went inside his car driving his way to his house.

How stupid of her! How could she think that I will propose her.

Zaviyaar chuckled at his thoughts holding the steering wheel and his eyes never left the rose that was kept on the instrument panel.

"I don't race for the ones who are easy to get. I longed for Rose because more than petals I crave for thorns."


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