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怖くない訳ない でも止らない
ピンチの先回りしたって 僕らじゃしょうがない
僕らの恋が言う 声が言う

There's no way we're not scared, but we won't stop
Even if we've anticipated the incoming crisis, we can't do anything about it
Our love says, our voices say, "Go."

"Grand Escape (グランドエスケープ), RADWIMPS (feat. Toko Miura)


Small yet quick footsteps pitter pattered down the outdoor hallway like playful raindrops. A young boy sprints through; unsuccessful in not making a sound. The boy huffs along, carrying a small white rabbit in his arms. Accompanying him is a large dog, watchful of the boy and particularly observant of where it's master is. 

"C'mon! We have to hide!" He tells the dog, turning the corner and finding a small space to tuck himself away in. The dog silently watches the boy huddle in between two empty cabinets. 

"Don't let Uncle Megumi find us!" He exclaims to the dog who tilts his head in confusion. The dog whines, then disappears into the shadows.

The boy tries to quell his breath, remembering what his mother taught him.

'Big breath in- hold - long breath out,' He recites in his head, trying to control his breath by focusing on the inhale-exhale pattern. Suddenly... Silence.

The boy grins. He thinks he's won.

"There you are, Satori."

The boy yelps as he's lifted up by two large hands extending from the shadows; out steps the 10 Shadows user, and Jujutsu Tech's newest 1st year instructor.

"Uncle Megumi, that's not fair!" The young boy pouts. "Using shadows is cheating!"

"Anything is fair when it comes to jujutsu," The man replies, "I'm sure your father's taught you that." He places the boy back down, who scrunches up his face playfully. Satori looks at the Megumi before smirking mischievously. 

"Then how about this!" The boy clutches his hands together, something he's only seen his father do - and vanishes. Megumi sighs and calmly looks around before hearing noise above him.

"Ahhhhh-Look out!!"

Megumi looks up to see the boy reappearing above him suspended in air for a short moment before taking a tumble. The boy holds his hands up to his face to catch his fall - but something catches him at a moments notice.

"And just what is my son doing?"

Large hands outstretch to grab the boy, who giggles and squirms in the grasp. The boy gets lifted high up and onto his father's shoulders.

"But Dad, I still want to play with Uncle Megumi!"

"You can play with him later. We need to go see your mom!" The sorcerer looks up at his former student. "Thanks for watching Satori, Megumi. Yuji and Nobara are still away on their trip and we needed a last minute sitter."

Megumi nodded. "It's alright, I was here filling out paperwork anyway."

"Speaking of, have you heard from them?"

Megumi nodded. "They're on their way to find Sukuna's last finger, after that, I'm sure they'll disappear for awhile," he paused and smiled, "I think they said something about taking a road trip."

The two Gojo boys bid farewell and walk toward's your office. Satori sits on his father's shoulders admiring the view he had from his dad's towering height. He wonders if he'll get this tall when he grows up. He pats Satoru's head, gesturing to a nearby wisteria tree. The boy wanted to make a quick detour to pick a stem of flowers for his mother.

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