Chapter 24: Mixer

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Special shoutout to @rebiiii2, @hisxcherrycola, @Dazai274, @ShantiRyomen, @ShilpaJohn3, and JisungggHan for their support and interactions with the story! You guys are awesome!

Fingers grazed the cool wooden railing as you made your way through the main outdoor hallway of the school, taking in the serene scenery of the outdoors. Memories of being a student here began flooding in; the precious time of your youth and times spent with your classmates. You walked over to Yaga's office and knocked, "Yaga sensei!"

"Its Principal Yaga, now."  A deep voice was heard inside. Sliding doors revealed a familiar older man who was smiling up from his desk. "You grew up, y/n. You look even more beautiful."

Smiling widely, you plopped down on a couch. "It rather call you 'Principle Yaga' than that geezer Gakuganji," you crossed your legs and placed an arm over the couch arm. "Did Shoko tell you I thought I'd be staying in the dorms with the other students?"

Yaga let out a short laugh. "Fortunately we made arrangements for you to live in your own lodging since you'll be an instructor here." He looked at you intently, "Have you seen Gojo yet?"


The name echoed in your mind like a distant memory, and yet was felt like something fiery and close to the tongue.

"No, not yet," you looked down and smiled.

Yaga stared at you for a bit then sighed. "Y/n, he needs you."

'Needs me?' You rolled your eyes. "The 'Strongest Sorcerer' doesn't need anyone."

"You'd be surprised... And he's as childish as ever." He looked at you, "It would be nice to see you two working so closely again."

You felt a tinge of sadness then pushed it away, "To think I'd hear you advocating for us to work together again."

Yaga merely grunted; he slid over a stack of paperwork, "We need to complete this paperwork to get you processed."

You laughed, flipping through the documents, "As extraordinary as Jujutsu sorcerers are, we still are bound to bureaucracy of paperwork."

Yaga scoffed, "You're telling me."

After completing the paperwork Yaga tells you you've been assigned as a Special Grade Sorcerer. Though titles and recognition didn't concern you, you noticed that other than you, there were only four other Special Grade sorcerers. Your name was printed on a list underneath your former boyfriend's name.

Former, right? It's been years since the last time the two of you spoke. Fingers traced his name as you sucked in air; would he remember you? Would he want to see you?

"Since it's the beginning of the new school year, we are having a mixer with a few alma mater and instructors. You're invited to join us," Yaga's words brought you out of your thoughts. You nodded and left his classroom, bringing out your phone to text Shoko on your way back home:

You: Saw Yaga. You going to the mixer?

(Shoko typing...)

Shoko: Yep, Gojo planned it

(You typing...)

You: He did??

(Shoko typing...)

Shoko: Yeah. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees you. ;-)

Heaven and EarthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ