Chapter 5: Sorry.

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You awakened from what felt like a deep slumber, a blurry vision of light streaks come streaming through the window, illuminating a very plain looking room. You saw a small table with two chairs across your white sheeted bed. The small table adorned with "Get Well Soon" balloons and packaged snacks from a nearby convenient store. You clutched your head as it panged from all the sudden stimuli around you, noticing bandages wrapped across your forehead and weaved through your hair.

"You're awake!" You heard a familiar voice nearby.

It was Shoko; she held a tray with a glass of water and pitcher while she rushed to your side. "Please take things slowly, y/n."

You looked at her with confusion, looking at your torso wrapped in bandages. "What happened to me?" you croaked, your mouth dry as you tried to form words.

Shoko frowned while offering you a glass of water. "You don't remember, huh?" She placed the tray on the table and sat on one of the chairs. She told you about the match with Gojo and how you used your curse technique. You vaguely recalled an interaction with Gojo but everything else was a complete blur.

"To be honest, it was kind of badass," Shoko snickered, "You actually landed a hit on that idiot."

You eyes widened and you felt your eyes water with tears. 'He got hurt because of me-' "I-Is Gojo okay!?"

"You're worried about him? The idiot's fine. He should feel shitty for doing this to you." Shoko looked at your bandaged injuries. "Yaga was furious."

You groaned and let your body fall back into bed. "It's all my fault. I let my emotions get the best of me."

Shoko smiled. "I'm just glad you're awake, it's been a few days."

"A few days!? Did I miss the mission!?"

"No, not yet. Yaga talked about pulling you out if you weren't healed by then, but the mission is postponed anyways. So you better get rest!" Shoko left you alone in your room. Your mouth was dry so you took a big gulp of water from the glass and laid back down.

You looked some fresh flowers on the table with a handwritten note attached, a simple "I'm sorry." written on a small piece of paper.

You sighed and looked up at the ceiling, watching the dancing shadows of the ceiling fan. Maybe the adjustment to moving to Tokyo and all these new life transitions had left you vulnerable to losing control of your powers. Despite Shoko's reassurance, you felt ashamed for what had happened, especially with getting your new friends involved. You thought about Gojo and how he'd treat you after pulling this stunt off, as if your powers had robbed you of a chance at friendship. You felt sadness creep up and decided to try to sleep it off.

Later that evening you woke up in the middle of the night, feeling restless in your body again. You heard footsteps come towards your bed making their way to the side as you heard the sound of a chair creaking, as if someone sat down. You propped yourself up on your pillows, eyes adjusted to the darkness to only to see a pair of blue eyes looking back at yours.

"Did I wake you?"

You rubbed your eyes and looked at the shadowy figure sitting in the chair. As your eyes focused, you saw Gojo hunched over in a chair. His face expressionless, yet his eyes looked bothered: almost saddened by what he saw in front of him. This was the first time you saw the young man express anything but smugness.

Smiling weakly you shifted yourself up on the bed. "I've been asleep all day, so no, it's probably just my body telling me to get up." You clutched at your stomach, feeling the bandages wrapped around your waist. You laughed weakly, "Shit, I really messed things up, didn't I?"

Gojo stood up then sat at your side, looking down at your waist. He lifted the covers to expose the upper half of your body, pulling your cotton t-shirt up just enough to see the bandage wrapped around your torso. You blushed and looked away as his right hand brushed against the your abdomen, fingers tracing your side as if inspecting for some kind of gash or wound.

You heard him sigh then quietly swear to himself, taking back his hand and lowering your shirt. "No, you didn't. I fucked shit up," he murmured and looked away, "I'm sorry. I'm an asshole and I pushed you too far. I don't expect you to forgive me."

You looked back at him and noticed his hand rested on the bed at his side, near yours. You gently placed your hand onto of his, grazing his knuckles and giving his hand a gentle squeeze for comfort. You felt his hand tense up almost instinctively to your touch, his head shifted towards your gaze and eyes widened in the most unnoticeable way. For this moment, he choose not to turn on Infinity. He felt the warmth of your hand, something foreign yet comforting. You felt his hand relax as you gave it a squeeze again, "It's okay, Gojo. I'm okay."

Gojo looked away again, "No, you're not. Otherwise, you'd be sleeping in your dorm and not in a hospital bed."

You realized you still held his hand and felt warmth brush across your face. Since it was nighttime, neither of you could see the blush on your face. You pulled your hand away and looked out the window.

You changed the subject. "You know, I've heard of the Gojo clan before."

"Oh yeah?" His ears perked up. You knew about his family?

You smiled, "Yes, my father told me about them." "What did he say?" Gojo leaned in inquisitively. You were thankful the blush on your face subsided.

"It wasn't much; just that those from the Gojo clan have direct lineage to a great Jujutsu master. My father told me there was a boy from the clan about the same age as me who awakened a great power." Gojo closed his eyes and hummed; as if he heard this story countless times by countless others.

"I remember thinking, "but he's only a boy, a child just like me! There shouldn't be any pressure for him to be anything, or anybody." You looked directly into Gojo's eyes. "Just let him be."

Gojo's eyes widened for a second then kept his composure, "You sounded like a pretty smart kid!"

You laughed softly, trying not to re-open your wounds. Gojo looked at you intently, "Can you tell me more about your clan?"

His interest in your clan took you off guard, seeing that he seemed almost entirely playful and uninterested in the affairs of others. You thought carefully, almost disappointed in the answer you could come up with. "I wish I could; I don't really know much." Gojo sat as you told him about your parents, and why you went to Kyoto. His silence was uncharacteristic; he was focused on your every word. He leaned back and stared as if he was thinking deeply, "So you don't have a clan name, yet you have this immense, uncontrollable power." You nodded.

"The Three major clans would be furious about your existence."

You shrugged, "I think because I don't have any affiliation, they don't think I'm a threat." Gojo looked at you and responded, "Not yet, at least."

"Your father must have known you'd be safer in Kyoto, but I'm glad you're here with us."

Giving him a fierce look, you stuck out your hand towards him, earning a raised eyebrow from the sorcerer.


"Gojo," you huffed, leaning into your hand gesture. "Let's be friends."

Gojo chuckled, finding your gesture a bit simplistic and humorous. He reached out for your hand and shook it. "Sure."

"Good," you sighed in content and slowly laid back down, "Sorry, I just got sleepy..." Your eyes felt heavy as sleep overtook your body. Your head tilted into the pillow as you closed your eyes to drift to sleep. In the darkness of your closed eyelids, you felt a gentle hand sweep across your face, pushing stray hairs away that framed you face. Gojo left the bed and walked away the door.

"Y/n?" "Hmm?" "Please call me Satoru."

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