Chapter 27: I think I'm in love, Ijichi

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"Yes, Gojo?"

The sorcerer rested his head on his hand and elbow leaned up against the car window. It was a few days since the night where he let infinity dissolve for a moment to embrace you. He had tried his best to continue the facade of indifference; busying himself with training his students, annoying the higher ups, and insulting the old man from Kyoto. But each time he saw you— he undeniably wanted more. 

He sighed.

"I think I'm in love, Ijichi."

Gojo felt the car swerve a little and —

"Y-You can't be serious!?"

Gojo sighed and looked out the window, 'Why did I let this happen,' he thought to himself. He tapped his foot on the ground as if it were a nervous tic— he felt uncomfortable thinking about someone other than himself. This was out of his orbit of control; you threaten the life and character he'd adopted after all these years of existing on his own.

Ijichi sighed, "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, what do you plan to do?"

Gojo swayed his head to the other side of the car, now resting his head on the passenger headrest.

"I think I'll get some sweets."

—In the meantime...

You completed a final combat training session with the Tokyo students Panda,  Maki, Inumaki, Nobara,  and Megumi. After completing the check-out training, you decided to meet up with your old friend, Utahime. She had gotten in yesterday for the Exchange Event with the sister school in Kyoto. Gojo crept into your mind from time to time, remembering what it felt to be embraced again by that man. Your face flushed pink as your thoughts travelled back to the past of when the last time you two were intimate.

"Hellllooooo are you listening to me!?"

"YES— sorry, Utahime," She sighed; she did not believe you. You attempted to control the situation.

"So wanna do some day drinking?" Utahime's expression immediately changed from bothered to bubbly. "Now that's what I can agree with!"

You might've picked the wrong activity. What turned to a light after work session turned into the both of you walking near drunk back to your apartments.

Utahime slung her arm around your shoulder. "MmmmmMAN, that was great, I needed it (hiccup) tthanks."

She continued, face flushed with red, "Ever since we got here, Gojo makes me want to drink to forget." Your body froze, giving Utahime the red-alert that something must be going in.

"So, whats going on with you and (hiccup) Gojo?" You nervously laughed, "What? Nothing at all, I mean he came over a few nights ago and-"


"We just happened to be assigned the same mission, and—"

"No! That doesn't just happen. He intentionally tries to ruin people's sanity with his absurd being." Utahime removes her arm from your shoulder and crosses them together. "I know you two were together, but I wouldn't recommend it." She frowned, "While you were away, I heard he went on tons of dates with women. All I heard not going very well."

You stopped in your tracks and looked down. Utahime, realizing what she did backtracked, "I-I mean, I've only heard humors. You know Gojo, he can be a bit of a flirt to women."

You quietly kept walking. After awhile, you stopped and looked at your friend. "Utahime, you are a kind friend. You made me feel welcome in Kyoto, and stayed a friend for many years. And I know you say these things because you care about me." She blushed and smiled. 

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