Chapter 25: Train me, sensei!

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The next day you were brought into an emergency meeting with the instructors and Principals of both Kyoto and Tokyo. You looked at Shoko who sat next to you; she shrugged, indicating she was just as confused as you were about what the meeting was for.

Surprisingly, Gojo was not present at the meeting.

Yaga looked at those gathered around the meeting table. "Let's just get right into it; Sukuna's Vessel, Itadori Yuji, has been killed."

Your eyes narrowed as you looked at Gakuganji, the old man sat in the corner suspiciously quiet. 'I'm sure he has something to do with this,' you thought.

You turned you head to Yaga, "Do we know how?"

Yaga read over some documents on the table, "Based on Ijichi's report, it was during mission to rescue the inmates at the detention center. Instead of a cursed womb, the center was haunted by a Special Grade curse."

"So while we were distracted last night, our first year students were fighting for their lives?" You growled. Anger began to boil in the pit of your stomach at the thought of what the students endured. "How are Megumi and Nobara?"

"They're fine, y/n." Yaga replied, "Shoko will be working on the full autopsy report."

Shoko let out a tired sigh. You stood up and walked out the door, "If this meeting is over I'd like to go check in with the students." Yaga nodded. Your jaw still clenched down from rage, you walked to the dormitory and knocked on Megumi's dorm room.

"Megumi! It's me. Can I come in?" You listened to footsteps come closer to the door.

When the door opened Megumi stood behind it, his head wrapped in bandages.

You wrapped your arms around his neck to embrace the boy, squeezing him tightly.  "Megumi I'm so glad you're okay!"

He blushes beet red and taps your back, "Y-Y/n, that kind of hurts..."

"Oh! I'm sorry," you shuffle back a few steps while scratching your head, "I'm just so glad you're okay."

With pink tinted cheeks Megumi averts your gaze. Something plagues his mind; he pauses before looking back at you, "So... You heard about what happened."

Facing the first year student, you place your hands on his shoulders, "Yes, and what happened to Yuji-kun. It's not your fault, Megumi."

The young sorcerer sighed, lips still curled into a frown. "I know."

You heard your cellphone ring. It was Shoko:

"Hey. Gojo brought Itadori's body. Meet me at my office." You heard her stoic voice through the cellphone speaker.

"Roger," You ended the call and turned to Megumi. "Sorry Megumi, I have another meeting to go to."

He nodded and turned back into his dorm as you left. You walked to Shoko's lab room; tiled from the floor to the ceiling it looked sterile and cold. As you opened the doors, Gojo and Ijichi looked up to watch you walk into the room. The two were sitting on a bench while a body laid on the table across from them.

It was Yuji Itadori's corpse.

Shoko begins to put on medical gloves and preps her tools. Your eyes can't unfocus from Itadori Yuji, pale and obviously dead, with a giant hole in his chest. "Oh Yuji," you frowned, walking over and placing your hand on over his pink hair.

"You've met my student?" You looked over to see Gojo, who stared blankly at Yuji. "He was killed during the last mission."

"How?" You spoke softly, cupping Yuji's face. Although you met him once, you felt affection towards the kind, energetic boy you met just days before.

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