Chapter 47: Indus Valley & The Inverted Spear

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A young Satoru Gojo looked over a crowded streets full of people and merchants. He had a knapsack slung over his shoulders, sticking out from the rest with his towering height and dark, jujutsu uniform contrasting with the local clothing around him. He walked through the busy street looking around for someone- anyone really- just someone he could pass something along to. He decided to head towards the nearby mountain for a snack break. 

It was a few weeks after the battle with Toji Fushiguro. He was assigned to another mission; this time overseas. He used this opportunity to bring his slain opponent's weapon with him, The Inverted Spear of Heaven, to ditch it somewhere in a foreign land. He walked to the edge of the town, following up a large river and towards them mountains. He eventually got to another opening where the river widened into a large lake. He reached into his knapsack to get out his snack, kikufuku mochi, a treat his girlfriend had affectionately packed for him. He was about to take a bite of mochi when. something in the distance caught his attention. 

'Oh?' When he got closer, he felt an almost familiar cursed energy around a figure by the lake. As he got closer, he noticed the figure was a woman watching fabric in the river. He walked closer and started to wave.

"Hiya miss!!" He grinned, waving both of his slender arms in the air. When the woman looked up he paused: her hair color and eyes made him think she looked strangely similar to you. 

'Couldn't be. Y/n's family is dead.'

'Who are you, young sorcerer?" The woman replied. She looked calmly at the lake, squeezing out the water from the cleaned fabric.

Satoru smiled, "No one important, but I want to ask you for a favor." 

The woman got up, placing her fabric into basket at her side. "You're asking a favor from a stranger?" She thought this foreign sorcerer was quite strange; although she felt no malicious intent behind his words, it was undeniable how powerful he was given the curse energy she felt radiating around him. 

Satoru opened his knapsack and rummaged the contents inside before taking out a large object wrapped in cloth."Take this from me and hid it somewhere," he smiled, "It's better if no one can find it."

"And what if you want it back?" the woman replied, taking the item from his hands and unwrapping the cloth, examining the weapon, "What then?"

The boy shrugged, "Then I'll come find you!" 

The woman let out a short laugh, "You're an interesting one, aren't you?" 

The two sat down by the river and exchanged small talk while young sorcerer offered his snack, since he found out the woman had never had kikufuku mochi before. 


"I thought Tengen said Gojo destroyed the weapon?"

You stretched out a large map as if it were an accordion and placed it over the dinning room table. Sat around the table were your first year students, along with Yuta. 

"It was the only the probable, rational decision Master Tengen thought Gojo would make," Yuta replied, "But we all know using reason is not our sensei's strong suit."

The three 1st years sighed as they watched you sheepishly chuckle to yourself, a sweatdrop forming on your head as you drew a route on the map, circling a discrete location somewhere in the painted mountains.

"Follow up the river to the cliff side -  Megumi, if you Nue to get up the cliffs, it shouldn't take you more than a day to reach the temple." You pointed your finger inside the circle you had drawn, looking up at the three students. "If sure if you tell her you're my students, she will help you find the Inverted Spear."

A few years ago, Satoru Gojo had sent a student overseas to go find the Inverted Spear he had hidden away after the battle with Toji Fushiguro: that student was Yuta Okkotsu. The 2nd year sorcerer explained to the group that despite how much he searched, he was unable to find the special grade weapon - mostly because Satoru had forgotten who he had given it to. 

Your mind flashed on a memory of the fight and how Toji used it to piece through your then-sorcerer boyfriend's neck; "Too be honest, I didn't think of asking what Satoru did with it," you replied.

Yuta crossed his arms, looking at map intently. "For whatever reason, he hid in Indus Valley; I couldn't find it, but I did find you over a year ago."

Megumi, Yuji, and Yuta volunteered to go search for the special grade weapon and promised to return as soon as they could. This was the second time you've had to say goodbye to your students. The first was for the culling game; despite the game ending by the efforts of jujutsu sorcerers fighting for humanity- it did what Kenjaku ultimately wanted to do. Kenjaku had effectively drew a line between his growing forces and those who oppose him - and those who opposed him were hunted down for sport. Unfortunately, most of the casualties were civilians who had just awakened their jujutsu - and were treated like sheep to the slaughter. 

"I'm glad our whole group survived," you said softly, fingers taut on your tea cup, "But I wonder what Kenjaku's next moves are."

Nobara looked at you grimly, "I heard from Tsukumo-san that some sorcerer's have defected and started to side with Kenjaku." She sat next to you across the dinning room table. The house got quieter since the boys were away on their mission. You watched the bits of tea leaves settle to the bottom of your tea cup. "They're afraid of being killed," you said to Nobara, "Everyone just wants to survive."  

Nobara ran her hand through her hair in frustration, leaning against her chair, "I had just sitting here while the boys are out there! I feel useless-" she looked away and frowned, "What can I do?"

You looked up at her; her words were ones you've asked yourself a thousand times. This time, you stood up, placing one of your hands on Nobara's shoulders before reaching for your cell phone to make a call.

"If Kenjaku wants a war - he'll get one. And we will win." 


Author's note:

Thank you for the 13k reads and almost 1k votes! 

I wrote on my birthday - enjoy this as a present for yourselves! 😊


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