Izumi blushes, "I'm just nervous because of what happened.. I don't want another accident."



"Right, sorry. Maybe we can just watch a movie here? Rent a scary one?" Chako suggests.

"That sounds nice. Can we invite Kacchan?"

Chako deflates "Whyyyyyyy?"

"Why not? You don't like him?"

"It's not that.."

"Then what is it?"

Chako rocks from side to side, her face slowly heating up.
"I wanted some more......alone time...with you."

Izumi smiles and leans in.

She nods.
"Yea.. I feel like......like I'm burning." She confesses.

"Well..what are you gonna do about it?"

Chako leans in closer and closer.

Izumi closes her eyes, puckering her lips shyly.

Ochako does the same as she continues leaning in......


Bakugou slams open the door.
"I told you I needed to..!" He gets cut off as he witnesses the two about to kiss.

"Whoooops..." his eyes widen.

Both Izumi and Ochako glare daggers at him.

"Pardon." He closes the door quickly.

The two girls sigh and look at each other before laughing.

"Idiot.." they say simultaneously.

"Well there goes our chance.." Izumi lays back.

Ochako blushes a bit.
"Kinda killed the mood.. but we can still enjoy the movie."

Izumi brings her into a hug.
"Yes, we can."

*One movie later*

Ochako is fast asleep.

Izumi..is not.

She quietly stares at the sleeping brunette before getting up and out of bed. She goes to the bathroom and stares into the mirror. Several deep breaths follow.

"Calm..steady....strong......." she activates only 5% of One for All to test it out.

Green electricity dances around her..followed by very brief flashes of red.

"Ahggh.." she feels a startling shock course through her body as she falls on one knee, immediately starting to sweat.

"It's not..listening.." Izumi whispers, shocked. "What's going on...I can't control it properly.."

She punches the floor.
"Damn it! Why now? I.."

Several images flash through her head..

Bad images..

People dying.

"No..No.....No, not again!"

She stumbles her way out of the bathroom and somehow manages to get to Ochako, grabbing her hand firmly.

And just like that, everything stops and she's able to breathe fine again.

Twisted PerfectionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant