Chapter 13

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Ali's P.O.V

Nick and I pulled apart.

"Oh. I- I forgot. You um-had a boyfriend." He said stuttering his words.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." I said.

We again worked on our project a little bit more until my mom called.

"Hey um it was fun. I have to go home my mom needs me." I said.

"Okay. Want me to drive you home?" He said.

"Sure." I said.

We then got in his car. We talked for a while about school and stuff. Sometimes it got very awkward but he always brought up something to break the awkwardness.

"Oh. Um by the way, sorry for kissing you again. If Luke gets mad, come to me and Ill tell him it's all my fault." Nick said.

I felt bad. I mean he didn't have to take all the blame. I kissed Nick back. So I should get blame on it too, but I don't want to loose Luke. Luke might not trust me. When Nick was kissing me, I kissed him back because I wasn't thinking, I thought it was Luke the entire time, but then I realized that it was Nick all along.

"It's fine. Don't worry about." I said.

"Everyone is going to know." He said.

"This secret will be stuck between you and I." I said.

"What about Luke?" He said.

Shit. I don't want to tell him. I don't want our relationship to ruin. I love Luke. Nothing can change that.

"Oh. Ya. Ill tell him. So then it will just be between you, me and Luke." I said.

"Okay." Nick said.

The rest of the last 5 minutes of the ride was silent until I got to my house. I got out of the car and opened the door. Mom made dinner so I walked into the kitchen to get 2 hotdogs. I then went upstairs. I got my phone and went on twitter, instagram, vine, and any other social media.

I the texted Luke saying:

hey. can i go to your house after school? i need to tell you something. when i tell you this, please dont get mad at me and just run off, i just need to explain everything. i hope u understand.

Luke's P.O.V

I was walking to my house from band practice when I got a text from Ali. Did she cheat on me? Does she want to break up with me? I can't loose Ali. I need Ali.

I texted back saying:

sure. come to my place? :-)

She then replied saying:

sure! ily :-)

I replied:

gtg ily2 <3

I love Ali. I hope I don't loose her.


{ Next Day }

Ali's P.O.V

I'm really scared to tell Luke. I know he will run away. I know he will never forgive me. I'm such an idiot. Why did I kiss Nick back? Ugh I'm stupid.

I get to school going to all my classes as usual. As I'm walking to class, I see Nick and his friend. I think his name is PJ. Not sure.

"Hey. I'm PJ. Single?" Pj said.

"Uh-um." I said.

"She's taken." Nick said.

Pj then walked away, rolling his eyes.

"Thanks." I said laughing.

"Your welcome. Coming to my house after school?" He said.

"Can't I promised Luke I would hang out with him. I'm going to tell him, you know." I said.

"Ya. Good Luck." He said sadly.

"Thanks, I guess." I said.

We then both laughed and walked to our next class.

{after school}

I wait for Luke in front of the school. As I'm waiting for him, I go on all my social medias, like always. When Luke finally gets here I get in his car and go to his house. We held hands, sang songs that came on the radio, and talked for a little bit until we got to his house. He opened the door and we went staright to his room.

"So. What did you need to tell me?" Luke said looking excited yet nervous.

"Ok, so please don't get mad at me. I'm telling 100% truth right now. Alright?" I said.

"Yup." He said.

"So, when I got to Nick's house we worked on the project. He actually worked on it with me, didn't just tell me do to all the work, but then he was zoning out. Looking at me. He then told me I was beautiful. Then kissed me." I said.

"What?" Luke said.

"I'm sorry!" I said starting to cry.

"Did you kiss him back?" He said.

"Yes. But when he kissed me, I started to zone out. I then kissed him back thinkinh it was you, but it wasn't. He knew we were together. He said sorry so many times." I said.

"Get out. I don't trust you anymore!" Luke said.

"But Luke!" I said crying.

"I can't be with a girl who cheats on me behind my back!" Luke said.

"I wasn't!" I said.

"Get out!" Luke said.

Luckily Luke's parents weren't home. I stomped out of his room slamming his bedroom door shut. I ran home. My hair was wet from the rain and my makeup was all smeared all over my face from crying. I just, I cant loose Luke. I need him.

Hey guys!! ahhh i cant believe i did this akabwjsb. but hope u like! i promise ill update more! im getting bettter in math so yay :-)

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