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(Don't forget to vote and follow 💖, this is the final chapter. Choose any ending of your liking, I may have added other characters for different endings for the other readers to enjoy. Have fun!)

~Y/n pov~

I woke up between Eren and Ymir, my arms were missing but slowly growing back with black blood.
"Oh. . . Y/n you're up." Reiner said as he looked at me.
"Ah. . . wh-what's going on? My arms. . ."
"Y/n. Look. . . I'm in the same situation as you and Eren. Guess today's a rough one for the both of us." Ymir chuckled.

"Ymir. . . why don't we have arms?" I asked.
"Oh, Sorry. I did that." Reiner replied, "I was in a hurry. . . I bit your neck while I was panicking. . . and I miss both of your guy's arms in the process."
"I see. . . so we lost. . ." Eren muttered.

He raised his half bitten off arm to his mouth before Bertolt yelled.
"Eren! Stop!!"
"Just wait a second, Eren. Take a good look around you. This is the titan forest inside Wall Maria. It's apparently pretty far away from the wall. Naturally, it's part of titan territory. Just look. I guess you'd call those abnormals. It might look like they're just relaxing. But they've got their eyes locked onto us. And there are a lot of smaller ones below. They pose a threat, too. There's a big one over there, as well. It's just watching us and not coming close. It's probably not very strong. And then there's them. . . those two stingy bastards. They're the only ones wearing vertical maneuvering equipment. Reiner's wearing yours and Bertolt is wearing mine. Recklessly turning into a titan here and now doesn't strike me as a good idea. Not only can they do the same, they can also escape high into the trees. And even if they couldn't, we're surrounded by titans. Even with titan powers or how we somehow merged, multiple bites from those titans on either of us can kill us. It's hard to make it out of titan territory like this alive. You understand, don't you? We don't have the luxury of being able to run wild here." I explained.

"No, right now, none of you could even become titans or animatronics to begin with. It's not quite as convenient as you think. Your strength is limited. At the moment, it's all you can do to repair your bodies." Reiner said.
"Dumbass. Who the hell would believe what you have to say?" Eren growled.

"Well. . . I don't know much about our titan powers, either. Unlike you two, I don't know how those kinds of things work. Hey, Reiner. You said you'd talk to Eren once he and Y/n woke up, right? How about you finally tell us?" Ymir said.
"What do you two plan on doing with us from here?" I asked.
"You're coming with us to our hometown. Don't give us any trouble. Is what I would say, but I know very well you wouldn't listen. Still, like Y/n said, this is a hive of titans. If we tried to kill each other here, we'd just be eaten by other titans once we grew weak. In other words, we have to stay here until night time, when the titans can't move. Whether you three manage to get away from us. Or we manage to carry you off. We have to wait until night." Reiner replied.

"Why did you come to a place like this instead of running back to this home town of yours as the armored titan? You get tired and decide to take a break?" I questioned.
"I'll leave that to your imagination." He said.

I dropped out of the conversation and just listen to the birds around us until I decided to listen to them again.
"No. . . I think we've done enough work to deserve consideration." Reiner chuckled, "It's not easy to act in a situation as messed up as that one. As a soldier, I don't see what's wrong with. . . being commended and rewarded for that."
"Mister Reiner. . . what in the hell are you going on about?" Ymir asked.
"Hm? What do you mean? I'm not saying that I should immediately be promoted to Captain, you know."
"Uh. . . that's not what I mean" Ymir said.
"Oh, and by the way. . . where did you guys get that cannon from? You really saved me there. Even so, I manged to save Y/n after that. . . she has to be into me, right? She's actually always been especially nice to me, but-"
"Hey. . . Is this a joke?" Eren asked before I looked at him.

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