🔪Happy Birthday🎂

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(Enjoy this side series! Thanks to _Wolferia_, this mini alternative story was her idea! I'm just the side hand! Hope you enjoy the first chapter!)

Warning this chapter contains blood and gore, read at your own risk.


~3rd pov~

June 26th, 1984, the day of a horrific tragedy that will take place in a children's entertainment center called 'Fredbears Family Diner'

Today is the day of a child's birthday, that child was named Gabriel and his two best friends Jeremy and Y/n.
"Y/n, Jeremy?! Come on! I don't want to be late!?" Gabriel called with a excited voice as he jumped up and down by the car.
"Mom! Mom! Mom!"
"I'm coming Gabriel, so hyper all of a sudden!" His mom giggled as she locked the house door.

Y/n raced Jeremy to the car which he had won.
"No fair Jeremy! You cheated!" She whined.
"Nah! You were just too slow!" He laughed.
"Jeremy! Help me open the door!" Gabriel whined as he tugged on the handle.

"Hey Gabe, are Susie, Charlie, Cassidy, and Fritz coming?" Y/n asked.
"Well yeah duh! Mom open the door!?" Gabriel yelled.
"Give me a second honey, we still have an hour hahaha!" She smiled before unlocking the car. The 3 kids climbed inside and quickly buckled themselves in.

"I can't wait?! The whole building is rented out for me!? Can you believe that?!" Gabriel squealed and pure happiness.
"The whole place is going to empty beside just us?!" Y/n asked with a smile.
"Us and the other kids in our class! Also my mom and dad. Wait hey mom isn't dad coming?" He asked his mother who pulled out of the drive way.
"He is there already waiting for us." She smiled as she fixed the review mirror.

As Gabriel's mother drove, the kids couldn't hide their laughter nor their excitement for Gabe's big day. His 11th birthday.
"Remember today is Gabe's day Jeremy! So that means he must be treated like a king, I call being the Queen?!" Y/n said with a smile.
"I wanna be his trusty side guard!" Jeremy laughed.
"Aww, you guys don't have to do that!" Gabriel blushed.

~At the diner~

As soon as the mother parked her car the kids unbuckled themselves and jumped out of the car.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABRIEL?!" His friends and father shouted as they stood by the entrance.
"Thank you?!" He smiled.

A little girl with bright curly blonde hair ran and hugged Gabriel, he held her tightly before letting her go.
"What's inside?! Is there a lot of games!? Karaoke!?" Gabe asked still smiling.

The h/c haired girl took Gabe by the hand and dragged him inside the diner. Once they entered they saw a bright banner that said 'Happy Birthday'. The first place they went was the arcade room.

Y/n ran off to use the restroom which her mother lead her to before returning back with her gang of friends.

"Hey guys! What's happening!?" She asked as she strode on over beside Susie who was standing by the game.
"Gabriel here is too scared to try the game!" Fritz teased as he crossed his arms.
"No I'm not!" Gabriel grinned, "I just don't want to beat Susie's high score"
"Oh come on birthday boy! Try it!" Jeremy laughed before grabbing his arm and tugging him over.
"Win us some tickets so we can buy prizes?!" Y/n exclaimed.

But when the group of children were laughing and smiling, spreading joy throughout the entire pizzeria. Little did they know that they were being targeted by a shady stranger.

Named William Afton.

~Y/n pov~

Susie held my arm as she bounced up and down with joy. Fritz and Jeremy held onto Gabriel's shoulders as he played the game, I looked behind me and saw Cassidy and Charlie laughing together as they played Pac man.

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