💔Blood and Tears💧

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(Begin please! Also listen to the song while reading. It really sets the tone and it's so sad and good at the same time)

~Puppet pov~

Okay, If I set it correctly at 6 am. It should be able to carry 5 of us with her.
"Okay! It's set! Now I need 5 volunteers-"
"Me!" Funtime Foxy and Golden Freddy yelled.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the crowd.
"5 volunteers to go with GiggleBit to that world. I don't know how long your human form will last but make the most of it, now who is going to go."

". . . . . . . ."
". . . Okay then. Foxy, Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Freddy, and-"
"Me?! I'm staying!"
"We have to perform tomorrow! What will the people think if we're not there!"
"Arg! Stop ye complaining, ye sound like lost 'ittle pups." Foxy snarled.

"Alright but that means I'm placing you two in charge with fixing Mangle!"
"I thought you were-"
"I'm not since I'm going. Now who will take their place?" I said.

Golden Freddy and Funtime Foxy were still raising their hands to go.
"I don't trust either of you to go."
"Why not?!" Funtime Foxy snarled.
"Because of that right there. Neither of you ever listen to me, therefore you ought to get us caught. GiggleBit is already in danger right now, and we don't need anymore trouble coming from two morons who want her attention." I hissed.

"Funtime Freddy? Are you willing to go?"
"Sorry, Puppet. I gotta stay."
". . . Fine. . . Golden. . . Funtime. . . you two can come along-"
"BUT!! You will listen to me or else I will send you back here." I said.

I handed everyone a small battery and made them hold it.
"C-Can I go?" Bonnie asked.
"You want to go, Bonnie?" Freddy asked.
"I mean. . . yeah I do-"
"Here, take my place" Freddy offered.
"W-well! I wanted to go with you since you might need he-help to-"
"Here matey, take me battery" Foxy said handing Bonnie it battery.

"I'll stay 'ere and watch these scally-wags" Foxy smirked before walking off.
"U-Um. . . t-thanks Foxy" Bonnie said.
". . . Okay. When GiggleBit returns, we must be in a circle and holding onto the batteries once the clock hits 6 am we will travel over the bridge and arrive in a new world until 12 am." I said.

"Be prepared"

~Y/n pov~

Everyone rode on horses as I walked in the center of them. I was taller than a horse, if I rode one I would end up killing the poor thing.
"Are you tired yet?" Eren asked.
"I don't get tired remember?" I said with a smile.

"The former headquarters of the Survey Corps. The facility is no more than an old converted castle. Charming in it's way, sure. . . but an HQ this far from both the wall and river was worse than useless to the Survey Corps. Back then the Corps had just been formed, and soldier's were still full of ambition. Who would've figured that this oversized decoration would be the best place to keep you locked up?" Oluo said to me and Eren.

I felt someone looking at me. My sensors detected Levi. Why was he staring at me? Well I am a different species now I guess. I'm very strange compared to titans and people, they never seen a robot before.
"Don't get cocky, you rookies" Oluo said as he leaned closer to me.

"Excuse me?!" I said as he face was close to mine.
"I don't know about this aniMAtronIC business but the idea of Captain Levi constantly chaperoning pissants like you two, makes me- GAHH!" He gagged with his bit down hard on his tongue.

"Oh my god!"


I stood by Eren, lightly petting his horse who enjoyed sniffing my hand.
"Blathering like that on a horse. Of course you're going to bite your tongue."
"I was making a first impression. Those rookies were quaking in their boots."
"I think they were surprised by what a fool you are, Oluo." Petra said.
"At any rate, they're just what I expected."
"You know, you never used to talk like this. If. . . and this is just a guess. But if you are trying to imitate Captain Levi. . . just stop it, would you? I mean you have absolutely nothing in common with him." Petra added.

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