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~Y/n pov~

"Anyway, let's gather up anything that seems useable. So we can die with no regrets." Ymir said. I walked back up the steps and looked out the window, seeing titans and the Survey Corps soldiers fighting.

"Of course our lives mostly depend on how skilled our officers are. . . that's the Survey Corps for you. Other soldiers don't even compare to them." I added.

A large boulder flew into the air and shot into the top of the tower. Two Survey Corps members were killed as they were blasted off.
"HENNING!!" The other two screamed.

"What was that?!" Connie asked as we rushed to the top tower.
"It's hopeless. . . they both died instantly. Be careful. A boulder came flying from over there, toward the wall. That's what got them."

"What? But. . ." Krista muttered.
"From the wall?" Ymir said.
"That thing!!" Connie yelled, "There was just one titan that was walking towards the wall. . . it was that beast titan that did this- AGH!! MULTIPLE TITAN'S APPROACHING!! MORE THAN DOUBLE THE NUMBER WE DEALT WITH!"

"This timing makes it feel like the titans are conducting some sort of strategic operation. It almost feels as if. . . they've been toying with us from the start."

The two last Survey Corps members flew back down and began to cut into more titans. But soon they were killed and eaten like nothing.
"Ahh. . . damn it!" Connie hissed, "So. . . do we just sit here, wait for the tower to collapse and get eaten? Can't we do something? Isn't there anything we can do?! Damn it!! Damn it!! Damn it!!. . . . I just wanted it. . . to have some meaning, you know? Our mission's half finished. . . and now we're gonna be wiped out?"

"I want. . . to fight too. If only I had a weapon." Krista said, "Then I could die fighting them."
"Krista. . . are you still going on about that?" Ymir asked.
"Don't use their deaths. Those officers didn't have to die so you'd have an excuse to commit suicide."
"That. . . that's not what-"
"You're not like Connie or those officers! You don't really think, 'I don't want to die' you've always tried to think of a way to martyr yourself so everyone will praise you! Right?" Ymir said.
"I-I don't-"
"Krista. Maybe you already forgot about this, but. . . this is probably the end. Try to remember. The promise you made when we trained on those snowy mountains. . . together." She said as she held Krista's shoulders.

"Go back to living by your old name." Ymir said.
"Never thought. . . I'd be seeing my last sunrise." Connie said.
"Stay here." I walked to the edge of the tower and looked down at the titans destroying the bottom.

"Y/n! What are you doing?!" Reiner asked.
"You're not actually going to jump are you?!" Connie gasped.
"Connie. . . hand Ymir your knife." I turned my head and saw Ymir's eyes widen at my request.
"Here." Connie said as he handed her the knife.
"Thanks." She said.
"Why did you ask me to give it to her?"
"For a weapon. . . right, Ymir?" I replied.
"Right." She chuckled, "I'm going to fight alongside you." She walked beside me.

"What?!" Reiner and Bertolt said.
"Ymir? Y/n? What are you planning?" Reiner asked.
"Who knows. . . we're not sure ourselves." I laughed.

We both backed up away from the edge until Ymir looked to Krista and me.
"Krista. . . I have no right to tell you how to live. So this. . . is just a wish of mine. Live your life with pride." She smiled.

Me and Ymir then ran as fast as we could and leapt off the tower; hearing our comrades scream out our names.
"YMIR? WAIT?!" Krista shouted.
"Y/N?!" Connie gasped.

Ymir sliced her hand open as I bit mine. Together we became monsters. My body grew in size as my claws and teeth came out, Ymir was a titan beside me. I couldn't clearly see what I was doing but I knew I was killing titans. I felt my jaw latch onto on of their necks and rip off their skin. Faster than a speeding bullet.
"No way. . . Ymir can turn. . . into a titan? I-I never seen Y/n like that." Connie said.
"Ymir?. . . Y/n. . ." Krista mumbled.
"Wait. . . that's the titan. . . from that day. Y/n. . ." Bertolt and Reiner muttered.

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