"Are they sure you should leave the hospital this soon?"


Jisung stood up and Felix wrapped the older's arm around his shoulder so that he could help him walk.

They grabbed Jisung's phone before walking to Felix's mother's car as Felix sat in the back seat next to his friend and immediately hugged him again.

"Hi, Jisung." His mother greeted, showing a sympathetic smile. She didn't want to ask him anything that seemed too personal but she was also worried and after seeing how much Felix broke down after reading that note she wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Hi," Jisung responded quietly.

"Are you feeling okay? I've never seen someone get discharged so quickly."

"Yes, I f-feel fine. J-just have a bit o-of a h-headache."

"Are your parents home to keep an eye on you?" She asked, not wanting to ask why they were not the ones to pick him up.

"T-they're on a t-trip right now but I-I'll be fine by myself." He said but neither Felix or his mother were going to allow that to happen.

"I'm staying at your house with you."

"Yeah, please let Felix stay with you there or you can stay at our house. We have a guest room you are welcome to stay in whenever you want to. I don't think it's a good idea for you to spend so much time by yourself right now."

I hate this so much, Jisung thought to himself. Why couldn't I have just died last night? Why didn't Minho keep his promise?

"It's o-okay. T-thank you for o-offering though."

"It wasn't a question." Felix mumbled, "I'll stay at Jisung's house with him."

Jisung stayed silent the rest of the ride there then Felix helped him get out of the car and upstairs to his room after saying bye to his mom.

"Why?" Felix finally asked once they were lying on Jisung's bed next to each other alone.

"Why what?"

"Why did you never tell me that you were sad or that something was wrong?"

"Can we please not talk about it right now?" Jisung asked, Felix had just begun asking questions and he was already feeling anxious. He didn't want to talk to Felix about it. He didn't even like talking to Minho about it but now they both knew and he knew Felix wasn't going to just drop the subject and never bring it up again.

"Fine, we don't have to right now. It's probably better that we don't but I'm still not leaving you alone."

"Thank you," Jisung mumbled as he felt himself getting tired again. He didn't fall asleep until sometime past 3 am last night/earlier that morning and then he was woken up by Felix a few hours later. And his body was still trying to recover from being  close to death on top of that.

Felix didn't mind that he ended up falling asleep. He understood why Jisung wouldn't want to talk about it. He knew he was embarrassed and most likely also upset but he wanted to know why did this so he could prevent anything from happening again in the future.

He didn't want to lose his best friend.

He heard Jisung's phone ring from the bedside table beside him and quickly answered it so that the sound wouldn't wake Jisung up.



"Are you at the hospital with Jisung right now? Did he write you a note too? Is he doing okay? " Minho questioned immediately noticing that it wasn't Jisung speaking.

"Minho slow down. He got discharged from the hospital this morning and now I'm at his house with him and he's sleeping. He did write me a note and he's fine. He just doesn't want to talk about anything and he said he has a headache."

"What do you mean they discharged him this morning? Shouldn't he be under watch for a while?  Did he have to talk to a therapist or anything about why he tried to do that?"

"I guess not. They just gave him some weak pain meds then sent him home."

"What the hell?"

"I don't know but I'm not leaving him alone."

"I'm on my way there now."

"Don't you think you should at least wait until he wakes up?" Felix questioned but received silence in response then noticed that he had already hung up.

"Or not."

i hate this chapter 🥲

Red/Minsungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें