After the hustle and bustle of part one I made part two slightly laid back. Granted the tour is lasting a little longer and the profit could have been better if there were so many down days the guys needed this. The tour is still turning a huge profit and so the label is happy and I'm happy because the guys are able to take a breather. This tour is almost a road trip vacation with some shows sprinkled in.

The last truck leaves the curb and I head inside to find everyone, including Skylar, sitting up at the bar.

"Aubree," Tray yells already three sheets to the wind waving his drink in the air. "Finally the nerdy kid come to join the cool kids?" He sets his glass down and loudly whispers to Skylar. "But will the cool kids let her or will the chase her away?"

Skylar shakes her head laughing. "Watch it Tray if you didn't have the nerdy kids then none of your life style would be possible and this nerdy kid has no problem watching you give the floor a hug."

Tray tilts his head to the side and studies her intently. "Why the fuck would I give the floor a hug bestest best friend?" He sways in his seat from shaking his head so hard. "Sometimes you make no sense and yet you were able to teach future America."

Skylar narrows her eyes at Tray. "I make no sense? I'm not the one who has made a hobby out of sticking their foot in their mouth. And in answer to your question, you would hug the floor because he's lonely."

"The floor's lonely," he slurs sounding childlike. "He no needs to be lonely." Tray rams his barstool backwards almost causing the stool to topple over. He staggers out of his seat and proceeds to hug the floor. At this point my phone has been pulled from my pocket and I hit the record button.

"I wanna hug the floor," Mason chimes in and he too hugs the floor.

"Come on guys," Tray yells still on the floor. "Come hug the floor. Give him some love."

"Okay," Logan and Axel say joining the two clowns on the floor.

Now I have four drunken rock stars hugging the floor. I catch Skylar's attention and shake my head. After all she is the one who started all of this. She shrugs her shoulders and continues to snap picture of the four of them. Thankfully none of the press is around to catch this on film.

"Come on Sebastian join us," Logan whines.

"I may be as drunk as you fools, but at least I can still comprehend how stupid you are being," he tells them.

At this point the four of them aren't moving much. In fear they need medical attention I check on each of them to discover they have passed out. How much alcohol have them consumed for them to be passing out this early? I debate moving them, but decided against the idea. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions.

Hayes, Lucan and Dimitri look on shaking their heads. The volume level has significantly lowered in the last few minutes due to the loud mouths no longer being conscious. One blessing of them already being drunk. I glance over to Ryder to discover him staring intently into his glass of whiskey as though he will find the answer too all of life's problems.

I head over to him while the others engage in conversation and the ones hugging the floor continue to sleep off their drunkenness. When I reach him I set my computer bag next to the stool and take a seat. He still hasn't noticed I've slid into the empty seat.

The bartender approaches me and I order a beer, no need for the heavy stuff yet I have a long way to go before bedtime. She pops the cap off and sets the bottle down in front of me then moves on to help the others. I take a swig of the beer enjoying the bitter taste.

"Ryder," I say softly as to not scare him and sit my bottle on the bar. When I get no answer, I try again. "Ryder," I say a little louder.

Ryder turns his head in my direction, but I'm not so sure he is seeing me. His eyes are so glazed over I wonder if he knows where he is. This look in them reminds me of how he was when he was using. Did Ryder slide back down the slope? If so how could this have happened with everyone here? My heart starts to pound in my chest and I can feel a panic attack approaching at the thought of him using again.

Slowly his eyes clear and the fog disappears. My heart slows and I'm able to draw oxygen in my lungs. "Sweetheart," he slurs running a finger down my cheek and then bopping my nose. "When the hell did your sexy ass get here?" He then proceeds to grab my so called sexy ass even though I'm sitting.

Ignoring his question I lean forward and yell to Skylar and Lucan hoping one of them is sober enough to answer my question. "How much have y'all had to drink? You do realize we have a long night ahead of us."

"They were like this when I sat down not more then five minutes before you walked in," Skylar informs me sitting back in her chair.

"Too much," Lucan adds resting his head in his hand. "I warned them starting with shots was a bad idea. But nobody listened to me." The slight slur in his voice told me he may have been against getting the shots, but he still partook. "What do I know? Instead I kept being told stop acting like the dad of the group and drink."

"Your so beautiful," Ryder proclaims drawing my attention back to him. When I turn in his direction I find his face extremely close to mine. "I love you."

"I love you too," I tell him sitting back slightly. "Very very much."

His face turns extremely serious and he wraps his arm around my head drawing me till our foreheads are touching. "He can't get to you Aubree. He can't. I will do anything and everything to make sure he never does. Even if it means letting you go. Because he will try." Ryder sits back slightly away from me and drops the arm holding me to him. "He's hurt all the other women in my life who I've loved. First my mom then Kelly, who was like a sister to me, and now you are on his radar."

"Nothing is going to happen to me. We have way to many people around us to make sure I'm safe. Plus, like you said you will do anything and everything to make sure he can't hurt me." I pat his cheek.

"But Aubree I could lose you in the processes. Earlier on the bus your whole demeanor changed when I mentioned me being seen with other women to throw him off the scent." He turns back to his glass finishes the amber liquid and taps his glass on the bar indicating he wants another. The bartender slides him one before I can intervene.

"Ryder we need to table this conversation for now and revisit when you aren't so drunk. I don't want either one of us to say words we wish to take back later because once said they can't be unsaid." He nods his head in agreement.

"Okay because for now none of the press will be around to post pictures. For now, we can be us without worry."

"Exactly," I reassure finishing my beer and asking for something stronger. If this is how the day is starting, I can only imagine how the night will be ending.    

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now