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After two weeks I had considered Tyler practically my best friend, I know that sounds impossible like how does one make friends with someone in less than two weeks, your answer to that question: we spent so much time together in that two weeks that it had only made sense that we had gone over so much details of each other's life's in that time period. The information we had exchanged was the type of information you reserved for your friends, and by me telling Tyler all this would have had to mean that Tyler and I were friends, - No I wasn't usually one to fill the boy next door on everything in my life, plus minus a few things, but he asked a lot of questions, and I always answered

I forgot about my brother's disownment of me as their sister in no time, as I had found another person to entertain myself with, another fun person

And I was not exaggerating when I said I spent time a lot of time with Tyler, we spent so much time with each other that the both of us had pretty much developed a routine where seeing each other at least once a day had become mandatory

Some days I spent the entire day with him, other times at least two to three hours or until his mother told him that they were leaving to go to his Abuela and that he should say goodbye to me

Now before I go into my routine, disclaimer I know my routine might sound so normal and boring but to me it felt as if I were living in a fantasy world; I'd wake up 7 am because 7 am was the latest I could stand up as Danbury had really messed my sleep schedule then I'd have breakfast, walk the dogs because I offered Carla my services when I found out she was paying someone a shit ton of money to walk two dogs

No she wasn't paying me for it

Don't get me wrong, I don't think I was doing it out of kindness out of my heart I think that just was me trying to repay her back for the ridiculously expensive haute couture dress that she had bought me, and hoped that this gesture might show her how grateful I was and that if she ever were thinking of buying another ridiculously expensive runway piece I would be a grateful candidate

After the dog walking I usually head over to Tyler's and if not he'd usually be by my house by the time I got back

And on special occasions he went with me to the park to walk the dogs

To say in the least having a friend changed a lot of things for me that break, the type of changes that initially I had been extremely grateful for

Until obviously I wasn't....but were not there yet

That specific morning I found myself in his house, singing the words to no scrubs with Tyler's kid sister Lillian, whilst Tyler swayed his skinny butt to the rhythm and I doubled over laughing until my cheeks hurt and my stomach couldn't take it any longer

To summarize it was the first real fun I have had since the last year and a half

As for the rest of my family, dad didn't seem to have any visible complaints or problems with Tyler, Carla had been cool with it from the beginning, my biological brothers honestly couldn't care about anything else but tennis, videogames and some girl named Eva that I heard them occasionally talk about at the dinner table. And as for Wren I knew nothing about him anymore

In fact Tyler and my brothers (step included) paths hadn't even collided until the end of my second week, when Tyler had had this crazy idea to go 'hopping' the term 'hopping' was derived from jumping referring to jumping from club to club throughout the duration of the entire night

This sounds complicated but is actually really straightforward and fun, because it required no plan and very little effort, for me 'hopping' was the visual representation of the phrase; 'go where the wind takes you'. You'd start off at one club, maybe meet a few people had a few drinks, followed them to another club, from there to your next location – until you couldn't really tell how you had got there with whom you had gone there with, or how you would go back given the situation that you were a foreigner in a country that you had barely spent two weeks in

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